Episode #13

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He told that thats his bbm. i was so irritated but that his problem not mine but i have to be a bigger person cause now that lil boy dont have a mamma. I feel so bad but the question is why was she there. But the baby started crying and i could tell kieon did not know what to do he kept pacing back and forth.

Kieon- Hey siri how to make a baby stop crying
Cardona- 😂
Me- bye nigga you goin have to learn too but give him here kieon

so he gave him to me and was just thanking me.  so i walked out the room so i could rock him while walking maybe 10-15 mins later he was sleep so i walked back.

Kieon- i cant thank yo big headass enough
Me- Dont worry bout
Kieon- ive been staying at her house since you left but now ion got nowhere
Me- I mean you can stay in the guest room if cardona cool with it
(we look at cardona )
Cardona- yea im cool with it

FF we go home cause the baby needed a bath. We get home and i take him upstairs while Cardona and Kieon was talking. I wanted to know what they were talking bout but everytime they would see me. So i just put me and the baby in a warm bath. I kept a bra and tshirt on because i thought if i did that he wouldnt lose connection with his mom. As he was laying on my chest he fell asleep. Maybe 5 mins later  Kieon. walked in

Kieon- oh shit..dammmnnn... um i mean sorry mimi i didnt know you was in da tub i can take him if you want
Me- you good and lemme finish and you can have him
Kieon- ok coo imma stop past Ari place and get all our stuff
Me - ok be safe kieon
Kieon- you to mimi

And he walked out. Me and the baby walked in the room and i layed him down in a towel while i put my clothes on.

Eventually we went in the living room and i put on a movie while he slept in my chest and i dozed off

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Eventually we went in the living room and i put on a movie while he slept in my chest and i dozed off.

Kieon POV

So we walked in the house and me and Cardona started to talk.

Car- so what you goin do bout mimi
Me- I really wanna be with mimi but ion think she want that
Car- nigga please wtv you doin she want it

So i walked upstairs to get ken and him and mimi was in the tub

Me- oh shit..dammmnn... um i mean sorry mimi i didnt know you was in da tub i can take him if you want
Mimi- you good and lemme finish and you can have him
Me - ok coo imma stop past Ari place and get all our stuff
Mimi- ok be safe kieon
Me- you to mimi

So i get to her house and pack all our stuff bc Ari family abandoned her. So i go back the the house and put everything in the guest room which is right were you walk in  i set all the stuff up and was gonna ask mimi if she wanted to go to walmart's with me but when i went in the living room mimi was sleepin so sexy with ken on the foot rest I wanted this to be me and mimi family but it wasn't sadly. I just layed on the couch with her. I was still sleep till i felt a warm body press on me. ik it was mimi and i let her do it bc i missed her. i just fell asleep.

Dior POV

I had went to say hey to my bestie cause the bitch is finally back. As i walked in the living room Ken, her and Kieon was layed up looking like

I was so happy for them maybe they get back together since Ken mom passed and they loved each other

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I was so happy for them maybe they get back together since Ken mom passed and they loved each other. So i went to the room and to cardona and said

Me- Babe guess wht
Car- What ma im on the game
Me- I think kieon and mimi are back together
Car- i just dont want him to hurt her again
Me- ik but she strong
Car- Ik

Mimi POV
I had felt Kieon lay next to me but i wanted it so i cuddled up next to him more and whispered in his ear

Me- i love you keion

Me- i love you keion

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