Episode #22

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Dior POV
Its been a couple of hours sitting in the hospital room with Mimi. Im starting to feel real guilty. Ik about the murder and why Kieon got locked up but i just dont have the balls to say anything. I cant even look at my bestfriend in the eyes anymore. I dont know what to do if i tell her then to much drama is gonna start. I didnt even tell cardona about who im seeing. But imma have to tell them.

Kieon POV
Im currently waiting on mimi to arrive. Why isnt she here yet its 3:23 am. Oh wait here she comes. Im gonna have to tell Mimi wats currently going on and who is involved in all this cause i know she thinks it me and her brother.

Mimi POV
After i woke up from my nap some officers came.

PO- *knock knock *
Me-come in
PO-*walks in * Ugh Miami Johnson
Me-that would be me
PO-ugh you have a conjugal with Kieon Davis
Me-why so late
PO-is a conjugal nobody is suppose to no
Me- oh right
PO-well you get ready meet me in the lobby*walks out*
Dior- ugh ill watch the kids

Dior POV
Mimi just left hopefully Kieon waits till im ready

Kieon POV
I woke up to the officer banging his stick one the bars.

PO- Mr.Davis its ready

I got up and we headed out.

Mimi walked in with her hospital gown and some uggs on.

Mimi- hey babe are you ok did they hurt you
Me- im fine babe but i gotta tell you sum

I didnt want to tell mimi but i had to

Cardona POV
Huh they wouldnt let me back to see him so i started my investigation to find out who dior was messing around with behind my back. Ik yall going say i was doing it to but we fucked one time and the shit was wack she didn't even know how to make me nut. Anyway i checked our home cameras and saw on October 31st Kieon dressed up as a Killer clown and so was Dior.

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