Patrick finds out

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Stella looked through her books trying to find anything that could help them find a way to change Azura back. "Did you find anything Stella?" Rain asked after about ten minutes or so. "No... I've never seen something like this before" Stella said with a sigh. Stella put the book back on the shelf and walked back over to the couch. "What are we gonna do with you huh?" Stella asked Azura. "Patty cake patty cake!" Azura said, clapping her hands. "Should we tell Patrick?" Rain asked. "I don't know... he might kill you" Stella said, taking her hat off and placing it in Azura.

Azura let out a giggle and pulled the hat off of her head. She looked at Stella then at Rain then at Stella then at Rain. After about two minutes of looking back and forth between them she got bored. Azura looked over at the door the was slightly open and got a idea. 'I will go fwnd Patty cake!' She thought excitedly. Azura slide off the couch and walk to the door, once she got to the door she looked back over at the two adults who still hadn't noticed what she was doing. She slipped right through the door and started towards Patrick's office.

Azura had gotten to Patrick's office just fine, none of the guards thought that a five year old girl would try and sneak into the Grandmaster's office. But she ran into a problem: the door was closed and she was too short to reach the handle. Azura looked around trying to see if there was something she could use to open the door. There was a armor stand with some old armor on it and that was about it. Azura stared at the armor stand for a few seconds before she got a idea. Azura climbed on to the armor and got onto the should plate that was closes to the door. She shifted into the right position and then braced herself and jumped.

Patrick was working on some paper work when his door suddenly swung open. "What the!-" Patrick almost jumped out of his seat but what he saw surprised him more. There was a little girl with blue hair holding on to the door handle. She glanced around the room of a second before letting go of the handle and dropping to the floor. "Patty Cake!" The little girl happily squealed. The little girl ran over to the other side of the desk and jumped onto Patrick's leg. "I- Azura?" Patrick stared at his now five year old girlfriend, that he remembered very clearly being twenty-three only a hour ago. "Patty Cake Patty Cake!" Azura sang while sitting on his leg. "What happened to you?" Patrick asked. He picked her up off his leg and set her on his desk so he could get a better look at her. "Potion!" She said booping his nose. "Oh- wait there's a potion that can do this?" Patrick didn't remember ever hearing of a potion that could make people younger. Azura just shrugged and reached over the desk grabbing his coffee and took a slip. "Okay no give me that" Patrick said while trying to get his coffee back. "NO!" Azura yelled.

"So maybe we should go to the Library and keep looking for something that could help" Stella said. Both Rain and Stella were still sitting on the couch trying to figure out what to do. "Yeah that's probably the best idea. What do you say Azura" Rain looked down to where he thought Azura. "Where's Azura!?" Rain said, jumping up to his feet. "I thought she was right there!" Stella said looking around until she saw the opened door. "Rain I think she might have went to see Patty cake" Stella got up and put her hat back on. "Patty Cake?- oh Patrick..... sh*t" Rain cursed.

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