The dying Nether King

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Once Kralos and Hogworth got to the throne room they were greeted by the site of their King. Naeus was covered in bandages, one of his horns were missing, the right haft of his skull was shattered, and his right arm was gone. The only thing keeping him alive was Herobrines powers but even those powers were fading slowly. No one knew why his powers were fading but they were, Hogworth has suggested that his fading powers had something todo with how the undead had been acting of recently.

"My lord" Kralos said after a few minutes. Naeus stared at his General for a few seconds before looking over at the Pigmen Commander. Naeus immediately noticed the little girl in Hogworth's arms. "Who-" Naeus was cut off by a cough. "Lady Azura sir! She got turned into a child..... somehow" Hogworth said showing him Azura. Naeus stared at the girl while questions filled his head like: how did she survive that lightning bolt, it has only been a week since the battle so why isn't she covered in bandages or scars , what is with the marks on her cheek, and how in the Nether realm did Hogworth get in and out of Frostbourne with the General's Scholar alive. "Give..." Naeus's scratchy voice ordered. "Of My lord" Kralos said and signaled for Hogworth to give her to the Nether King.

Back in Frostbourne
"HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DID NO ONE SEE A FUCKING PIGMEN TROLL RIGHT IN AND GRAB MY SISTER!?!?" Dexter scream. Patrick was standing on the opposite side of the table in the meeting room feeling like an idiot for not watching Azura more carefully. "Dex calm down..." Darryl begged her. "HOW CAN I FUCKING CALM DOWN!!! I COME BACK FROM PATROL NOT ONLY TO FIND OUT MY SISTER HAS BEEN CAPTURED BY THE NETHER BUT SHES ALSO A FIVE YEAR OLD!!" Dexter screamed at him. Darryl sighed, while Azura was known for staying calm in stressful situations her sister Dexter was known for having a sort fuse in situations like theses. Dexter was pacing back and forth and her skin was fading into a blueish gray color. "Dex I know you're worried- we all are but screaming isn't going to help" Darryl gave her a pleading look. Dexter sighed and hugged Darryl. "We need a plan of action" Patrick finally said. "With all due respect sire none of our men are ready for another fight" Hilda said earning a glare from Dexter. "Then what do you suggest we do" Dexter asked. "You and Darryl could get in and out without being seen" Hilda said. "Since you both are Netherbanes". Silence fell over the room.

This was true of course both Dexter and Darryl were Netherbanes and so was Azura. Dexter and Darryl had been turned into Netherbanes when Rain, Stella, Ciara, and Kane had found them basically dead on the plains. But no one knew how Azura had been turned into a Netherbane because Hilda was the only one with her since Patrick had been forced to go to his room to sleep and the other doctors were focused on the other soldiers. Hilda had fallen asleep when watching over Azura and when she woke up Azura was gone. When they finally found her Azura was outside in the snow a Netherbane with no explanation.

"What does us being Netherbanes have todo with anything" Darryl asked. "Well you're both more skilled then a normal human and much faster. You both could get in and out very quickly" Hilda answered. "Well..... she's not wrong" Patrick said glancing at the map on the table. "I don't know-" Darryl started to protest. "Darryl please we have to save Azura!" Dexter begged. Darryl was silent for a few seconds before agreeing. "Tonight at midnight you two will head out and if you need back up we will help" Patrick said. "Alright.... let's go get ready than Dex" Darryl said while walking out of the room. "Right behind you!" Dexter ran after him. Just about everyone left the room except Patrick who sat there in silence for a while.

If anyone has questions leave it in the comments and sorry if this doesn't make sense

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