Chapter 5: Joey

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We walked out of the store as I raised my drawn on eyebrow at corey.

He seemed in a funny mood. I wanted to talk to him about it. Ask him if he wanted me to listen. But, I didnt think it would be appropriate since we werent really friends. Just two dudes who met each other at a skate park.

That being said...

I looked over at him as he walked with his head down and his hands in his pockets, his long hair falling into his face. His hair was somehow longer than mine, and was a strawberry blonde, maybe ginger.

I wanted to be friends...I hope after these five days he didnt get tired of me.

"You okay?" I eventually asked

"I'm fine." He nodded smiling up at me "just tired."

I nodded slowly "how was your day?" I asked

He sighed "it was okay."

We walked down the road until we got to a cafe were we slowly entered. It was starting to get dark out already.

He sat down opposite me but he didnt say anything. He looked distracted by something as I watched him tap on the table.

I didnt say anything as he stared off, so I gently looked into his eyes. He seemed to busy in his head to care I was staring.

They were strange. They were clearly ment to be blue, you could still see the tiny hue coming through, but had been overcast with a grey, that took over the whole eye, moody and most defiently cold almost like there was no soul in there.

I patiently waited for him to come back around and out of his own word.

Eventually after what felt like forever he blinked gently as he looked over at me with a groan. "God."

"You alright there?"

"Uh..." he looked around seeming to be taking in our surroundings and nodding "yeah. Yeah I'm alright."

I nodded as he looked at me "uh.." he blinked a couple times before shaking his head "sorry."

"Its okay." I giggled

He looked so dazed as he tried to get his bearings and I couldnt help but laugh. It was funny.

A waitress came up to us looking frustrated "what is it?" She asked opening her notebook.

"Uh.." I looked back and corey who hadnt seemed to really notice her "just two coffees." I nodded

She just sauntered off. Damn okay lady, we know you dont like your job, no need to be rude.

I looked up as corey smiled.

I kicked my legs. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know why I went looking for him. I didnt know why he was there.

I studied his shirt. It was the same slayer shirt he wore when I first met him.

I looked at my feet as I chewed on my lip.

"Sid got sent out of class today."

"Did he?" Corey chuckled "what for?"

"He had this argument with this teacher. She had a go at him for being distracted...its not sids fault, he tries, he just cant, his adhd wont let him. Hes not loud! He just gets distracted by things. It frustrates him more than the teachers because he wants to, he wants to learn and concentrate but he just kind of shuts off. "

Corey frowned "but if they are aware sid has that, they should be more considerate?"

"I know right! They are always picking on the kids that struggle and actually need their help."

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