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/Lunch break/

"Yah! Wonwoo!" Hoshi ran from the College Building to greet his younger brother. Jihoon coming up to him, with Ice-Cream, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks beverages in hand.

"My beloved sister!!! I'm so proud of you!!" Jihoon screamed loudly, despite the fact that both him and Hoshi being in their last year of College.

Ah, you're wondering. Why wasn't Jihoon and Soonyoung's Year Level mentioned a while ago during the announcements, when in fact. They are graduating 4th year college students.


You see, Senior Year's graduation comes first than College Graduation in their school. Did that make sense? Senior Year Level graduate during April 3rd every year. 10th graders graduate during April 28th every year and College Students graduate on May 7th. (Take note. In this school only. Based on my imagination. I don't really know when Graduation happens, it differs on the school and country actually.)

"Ahh-- y-you've heard?" Jihoon smacks her head after putting the food on the cafeteria lunch table.

"Of course I heard, you dimwit! We are on the same school!" He laughs. "Wondered how you got Magna when you're this shallow." He laughs harder.

"I wonder as well, actually." She sits over beside Wonwoo who sat in front of his brother who was beside Jihoon who sat in front of her. The other 6, came in view. They sat in this order.


"Congratulations, Y/N~" Wonwoo discreetly kissed her cheek on his way to whisper to her ear. It may have seemed unnoticed by everyone else, but not by their older brothers who are in front of them.

She returned it immediately, with a soft smack of mwah. The others looked at them. "Congratulations, Woo~"

"Mr. Summa cum Laude! Just date Ms. Magna cum Laude already!" One of the students in the crowd cheered.

"Should I just do so?" Wonwoo laughed. The crows cheered yes making Y/N cover her face by smacking her head on the table, ears tinted red. "I've been longing to do it for a while. I've got her brother's and parents' permission already. All I need is her answer!" Y/N looked at him with wide eyes, then glared at Jihoon.

"What? I know you wanted to be his girlfriend!" Jihoon mouthed then wink. Her ears went redder which made them laugh.

"Lee Y/N, would you do me the honors of being your boyfriend?" She jumped up and hugged him.

"Yes! Took you long enough." She whispered on his ear. He spun them around and everyone cheered.


"Aughhh!! I'm exhausted with practice!" Seungkwan threw his bag on the living room carpet and dived into the sofa.

"Talk about that!" Mingyu screamed. Jihoon, Soonyoung, Chan, Wonwoo and Y/N went inside soon after.

"Dang, since we are the top ranks, we have to stand longer in the very front row up until every graduate has arrived at their chair! Dkshekerhgehskehdjdjs!" Wonwoo dived above Seungkwan's body on the sofa. Literally. Biting the boy's back to which he screamed as a pained response.

"I'm home-- what the fuck-- Wonwoo get off of the poor boy!" Jeonghan came inside and rushed to remove Wonwoo from Seungkwan who cried now. Jihoon and Soonyoung attempting to make the boy stop crying.

"Hyung, Wonwoo hyung and Y/N noona are official now!" Chan beamed happily and hopped to his brother's back, his height only reaching his older brother's shoulder. Well, they do have a 6 year gap. Chan just turned 17 a few months back and Jeonghan's 22 now, he'll turn 23 this year.

"Finally! Took him long enough!" Jeonghan laughed and roamed around the living room with Chan on his back, still clad in his office uniform.


/current time: 11:57 pm/

Midnight breeze was cold, making Wonwoo shiver. They were on the balcony on the second floor in his room. Y/N was asleep on his lap, face flushed against his stomach.

Wonwoo smiled to himself.

Finally, I had the courage! I'm proud of you Jeon Wonwoo!

"Woo?" A soft call made him snap out of his thoughts. He looked down to see his girlfriend's sleepy eyes look up at him.

"What is it?" He softly smiled at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Everything's perfect. It's just--"

"Just what?" She sat up in his lap, straddling him, keeping her legs interlocked behind his waist. Her slender hands were fisting his thick black hair. Moving her other hand down to his nape to where she caressed his neck.

"--wait a minute. Your glasses are dirty. There." She returned to her position after cleaning his glasses and putting them back in place.

"It's just.. I'm so thankful. For you, my hyungs, everything. Especially you. I can't seem to describe it in words. Actually, I've felt emotions for you quite a while back then." He sighs, looking down. She pushed his head towards her shoulder, leaning her head against his.

"Why didn't you say so?" She inhaled his scent and was so content. She was happy inside and outside, because of this man.

The affect this boy has on me, I swear--

"--you think I would be able to say it? What do you expect? heY Y/N I hAvE haD feELingS fOR yoU foR a WhiLe. Will yOu be mY ghOrLfrEnD?" She laughs at his weird voice and slaps his back.


"--I couldn't. I-I couldn't put our 19 years of friendship at risk. What if you didn't feel the s-same way as I did? What if you are gonna ignore me, feeling awkward every time you see me? What about those almost 2 decades of friendship that we shared? Just nothing? Damn it! I-I am not that brave. I'd rather lose myself than lose you, Lee Y/N. You mean-- you mean so fucking much to me. Do you understand?" He sobbed.

Since she didn't answer, he removed his head from her shoulder and looked at her to see that she was crying. His eyes softened. He moved down to her head level, moved her fringe upwards and placed a gentle peck on her forehead.

 He moved down to her head level, moved her fringe upwards and placed a gentle peck on her forehead

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"Do you understand?" She nods. "You mean so fucking much to me. I love you."

"I love you too, Wonwoo."

Date published: 01/10/2021

2nd Edition: 06/01/2023

This. This is so precious. Please love this man a lot.

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