Kags / Oikawa / Manager

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*Bell rigs*
You start to walk to your class and then you hear a voice behind you. "HEY Y/N". You turn around and see kayegama running towards you. You smile and say "What's wrong?".

"You remember we are having a practice game right? so you have to do your best on the test on wensday". "What?? just 3 more days to study". You say. Then he looks at the floor and then at you. "Say it" you say. "Well.... we can as tsukishima to help us". We sigh

You are in the classroom trying to figure out a way to let tsukishima help. "Of course! we will buy him strawberry shortcake". You ran off to tell Kags. I go to the classroom and see him sleeping. You go up to him and say "Hey kags wake up I think I know what to do". He wakes up and follows you out the door.

"We can buy strawberry shortcake for him and maybe he will help us". Kags is thinking and says " Great idea let's go ask him". You go to tsukishima class. We search the classroom and see that tsukishima is the tallest person so it's very easy to find him. We take a deep breath and walk to tsukki desk.

"Hey ummm tsukki" He looks at you with disgust and says "What do you want". "Did you know that's you are a very cool person, and very smart" "yea" "I just wanted to say that you deserve a strawberry shortcake". He looks at you weird. "What's the catch?" "Whatttt there is no catch, juts maybe I don't know..." "spit it out" "help us study for the test". "You two are so irritating" "is that a yes?". He nods.

"You know tsukki you can be so harsh sometimes" I say. "Shut up". At the end of the day he got us a copy of his notes so that we could study them at the house. It was actually really smart or maybe he just did so that he won't be with us anymore

You are studying in you bedroom. And your phone got a notification "ding". You check you phone and it is Kags. " hey y/n I don't want to bother you, maybe you were studying but can I come to your house. I don't get some of the questions". You laugh and text back "Kags don't worry you are not distrubing me, you can come my mom is at work right now hurry!".

You wait for him to come and the door bells rigs "ding dong". You go to check the door and it is Kags. "Thanks for letting me in". Says Kags. " no problem" you reply. " let's go to my room". You say. He nods. A few hours go by and it is already 9:37. "OMG we spend like 4 hours here you should get going before it gets even more late".

You look at him and he was sleeping already. You smile and grab his hair. You are admiring his face cause well you never really see Kags relaxed face. " what are doing". You back away and say "oh me, I was just seeing how ugly you look". He gives you a really mad face and says " escuse me for being a mirrior". You roll your eyes and you both start arguing.

You are getting tired and say " ok ok you can stop I sorry". He smiles and goes to your bed. "Hey! what are you doing, that is my bed go to your house". He ignores you and sleeps. You sigh. "So where am I going to sleep". He pats the bed beside him and says "here". You take that for real and lay down beside him. He gets surprise and says " I was just kidding moron, I'll just leave". You grab his hand and say "Come on it's alredly 10:45 what's the point, the test is tomorrow you need to get some rest". He sighs and nods.

The next morning you wake up and Kags arms are rapped around you. You start blushing and say "Umm Kags". He says "what now". You say "well your arms are-". He jumps and falls off the bed and says blushing "oh I'm sorry I did not notice". "It's fine don't worry". You say. Then Kags says "ok then I go to my house and get my school clothes I see you in school". You nod

You are in your desk very nervous and the testing has began. 1 hour pases by and you are finished. The next day the test results are here you have to get 70-100% to go to the practice game. The teacher is calling each name and then "y/n". You stand up and go get your test. You are in the desk shaking because well what if you got below. You take a deep breath and flip the test over. "72%"

You almost cry. You go running to Kags classroom you go up to his desk and say "soooo". He looks at you and says " I got a 71". You both jump of happiness. The day was the practice match so you go to the gym and run to Suga and say "Hey Suga look I got a 72% I can go right?". Suga looks at you with a big smile and say "Of course you can go I am so proud of you"

Hinata runs towards Suga and say "Oh me to right!! look I got a 72". Suga looks at Hinata and says "Hinata you nearly past but yea you can go". Hinata is confused and says "Hey Suga why did you not did the cheering for meeee". They walk away. While you are helping set up.

Takeda runs in and says "Guys good job on passing your tests now tomorrow you get here at 8:00". We all say "Yes sir". The next day comes and you get there at 7:45. While the bus was going to AOBA JOHSAI you sleep.

You have arrived and get out the bus. " Haha good thing you did not puke Hinata" Tanaka says. You laugh and then kiyoko says " come one y/n let's go set up the court". You follow Kiyoko to the building, turn around and you wave at the boys and put a big thumbs up. The boys smile and bow at you.

While you are setting up you bump to this big fella and you say "Sorry". Then he says " No problem cutieee, what your name?". "Y/n". You say. He smiles and says " I am Oikawa toru". Then a ball comes right to oikawa face. I get suprised and turn around. "Stop harassing little girls oikawa". "oh im sorry I am the manager of kurasuno don't worry". "oh ok sorry, oh and my name is Iwazumi yours?". You tell him ur name and walk away.

You bump into Kags and say "Hey Kags do you know Oikawa". Kags eye goes wide open and say "why, did you see him". You nod. He says "Well he was upperclassman in middle school". "Ohhhh ok". While you and Kags where talking Oikawa was liseling. He says " So Mr tobio got a cute gf huh".

It was bread fest and Oikawa sits down next to you. "Hey cutie let me sit h ere ok". You nod. Kags rolls his eyes and sits with someone else. The hole day Oikawa wanted to be with you. You where getting kinda uncomfortable. Kags noticed and says " hey I going to take my manager, is time for us to go to sleep". Oikawa smiles.

Part 2 coming up ;)

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