kenma ;)

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"KENMA". You say running towards his room. You go in his room. And see that nobody is there. "kenma kenma i know you're here SHOW YOURSELF". You go to the bed. And take of the covers. He was all curl up with his video game. "Kenma you are sick you can't be playing games". "oh come on y/n i'm about to beat up the monster". You take the game and hid it. Kenma curls into his bed and stays mad. "Oh come on kenma you can't be doing this every time". The boy did not answer you. You roll your eyes and go to the kitchen. 

In the kitchen you were making some soup. "Mmmm i hope kenma likes this". While you were putting the last ingredients. You felt some hands sliding in your waist. Then a head plop into your neck. You knew who it was. "Why are you not in bed". "The bed is boring". You laugh. "Baby you have to go to bed if you want to feel better".

"Can you say that again". You were confused. "What". "Can you say baby again". You giggle. "Why do you want me to say that again". He moves more into your neck. "Because you are always mad and never show affection, so when you said that it made me happy". He quickly hold you. "You hold me tighter because you knew i was going to get mad right?". 

He nodded. "Well your RIGHT". You got his head and push him over. "y/nnn" He says whining. "Nope don't say that i'm not going to baby you". He gets a little sad and goes and sits on the couch pouting. You go to the living room with the soup. "Here you go, now start eating". He just stares at the plate. You look at him. "Kenma-". He looks a you with puppy eyes.

Inside your exploding on how cute he is, But you can't let him know that, Because it's a trap. "Kenma please eat your food" you finally said. "I'll eat my food if you say baby" he says with a smile. "sigh ok ok fine, Baby can you eat your food please". He looks at you with a big smile. You smile back.

"Ok then". He says eating the soup. When he finishes, he lays down. "Y/n can you take me to bed". kenma says whining. You look over to him. "Fine but just because you are sick". 

He was very heavy. But you push through it. FInally you made it to bed. You pushed gently and kenma plopped to bed. You put the covers up. When you were about to leave. Kenma grabs your hand with little power. "Can you stay with me". He said with sleepy eyes. 

You sat in bed and touched his hair. "Of course baby". He instantly turned red and turned around. You noticed and went closer to his ear. And whispered "What happened baby, flustered". He grabs your hand and pulls you in bed. 

You were know in his arms all cuddled up. Then he says all blushie "Don't say that so unexpected it may cause me to do something i don't want to, im sick y/n". You turned around to look at him. He looked at you. You hugged him. "Yes right". 

He buried his face in the pillows and said "This is why i love you".

Thanks for reading <33

Word count= 570

(sorry this was short i don't have many ideas. Please comment some ideas)

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