Chapter 1 : Home

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"It is in the still silence of nature where one will find true bliss" -J.J.C.


I've always loved the serenity surrounding this area. I stood at the edge of the giant cliff, staring down into the dark, but picturesque water below. I watched from above as the waves crashed against the base of the Cliff. A soft, cool breeze blew my dark hairback gently, caressing my face.

I was home.

I forgot how much I miss this place when I Ieave. The few months I spent Jacksonville with my mom and Phil felt like years. Now don't get me wrong, I love the sun, the heat, and seeing my mom happy in her new life.but forks, the reserve are my home. I spent most of my life here, while Bella was living with mom I was here, with dad..

You see, when my mom left she was going to take both of us and leave Charlie all alone. Dad begged her not to, so She made the choice to takeBella, since she was the oldest and leave me with him.I was happy with the choice. I grew up to be almost exactly like Charlie. I loved the rain the outdoors, I loved our Saturday's where we'd go to the lodge, he'd get a steak while I order a burger with no onions , and for dessert we each order a berry cobbler. I even loved baseball, hell I'm the captain of the schools baseball team. I am my dads daughter through and through. Most people have a hard time believing Bella and l are sisters, since we are nothing alike, the only thing that gives us away is our dark brown hair and our deep brown eyes, we use to get mistaken for twins when we were younger. Bella and I have always been close despite being separated young. I'm glad I got to see her in Jacksonville before she left for Forks. It's been a few months now, but I seen her briefly while she was in hospital after her terrible trip down the stairs.

It was now nearly September when I returned home. Since it was Friday dad decided I could start back to school on Monday instead of today, I was excited to see my friends who I had left behind and hear about all they did over the summer. Since dad finally had a day off he invited me to come over to see Billy and Jacob. I have always thought of the Blacks as family, Billy and his late wife would always babysit me while dad had to work. Jacob I thought of as a brother, yes there was a time in my life where I had a huge crush on him, but I realized his affection was always gonna be for Bella. When we arrived at the Blacks Jacob wasn't home, Billy mentioning he went off to see Quil, another childhood friend. So instead of sitting around listening to two old men argue about baseball I grabbed my sketch pad and decided to go for a walk to La Push beach, and found myself on top of this cliff. During the warmer summer months you would see many young teenagers jumping from here, deep down that is something i have always wanted to do, but for now I stand here taking it all in,

"You peer pressured me, Paul. That was gonna be my excuse anywa-"

"Hey who the hell are you?" A male asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

I turn to see 3 shirtless boys walking up the cliff. Each boy slightly bigger then the last each had a tattoo on their bicep and each only wearing loose denim shorts that hung low on their hips.

"Sammy!" Squealing with excitement as I throw my arms around the tallest of the 3 boys.

It took him a second to realize what had just happen but he was quick to engulf me in his warm embrace. You see When I was younger if I wasn't at the Blacks house I was at the Clearwaters and Sam use to be over all the time when he was dating Leah Clearwater, they were a cute couple, but personally I think Emily and him are cuter.

"Dot! When did you get home?" He questioned releasing me from his embrace.

I chuckled at the childhood nickname, "I got in this morning, but since it's Friday Dad said I didn't have to start school until Monday. So we went over to Billy's. But since Jake wasn't home I decided to come here."

Sam laughed patting my head. "Well it's good to see you Dot, I'm sure Emily will be happy to know you're home."

"Well Sam are you gonna introduce us to this beautiful young lady?" The shortest of the boys questioned.

I giggled at his comment and smiled at the boy. He looked the kindest out of the three.

"Right.." said Sam, " Boys this is Alexandria Swan, Charlie Swans youngest daughter.. Um Alex this is Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote" he monitored to each.

"Just Alex or Lexie please," I smiled shaking the hand of the boy who I now know as Jared. He smiled greatly and shook my hand.

When I finally looked at the boy named Paul our eyes locked and for a split second it felt like time stopped. Paul's dark, almost black eyes seemed to glaze over. The way he was staring at my made my heart flutter and I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks.

I was still holding my hand out for him to shake it but he seemed lost in his own world.

"Nice going Paul!" He hear Jared say as he slapped Paul on his back, which seemed to break him out of his trance.

I chuckled reaching down to grab his hand "Normally Paul when someone's hand is held out like this it's polite to shake it." Holding his hand as if I was about the shake it, I gave him a firm squeeze winking at him.

He threw his head back and let out a loud laugh. "Right of course, I'm sorry. I'm Paul Lahote, it's good to meet you Lexie." He smirked never breaking eye contact.

His hand was warm And surprisingly soft for how rugged he looked. Holding his hand felt right like it was meant to fit perfectly around mine.

"Alright you too enough making googly eyes at each other or I'm gonna be sick" Jared joked.

I let go of Paul's hand quickly and looked down to try to hide my currently bright red face. I could have swore I heard a low growl coming from Paul's direction but I paid no mind.

It was quiet for a moment after that, like no one knew what to say or do next, thankfully my phone chimmed in my pocket breaking the tense.

Pulling my phone out I see a text from dad saying he was heading out now and to come back to Billy's.

"Wel-Well I gotta go now, it was good to see you again Sam tell Emily I say hi." I gave Sam one last hug before I started to make my way past them.

"Nice to meet you Jared... Paul." I sent a wink to both of them as I turned and made my way down the hill.

All the way back to Billy's I couldn't stop thinking about Paul, something about him made my heart flutter, the feeling of his hand around mine , that cocky smile and those dark brown eyes. I shake my head trying to get him out my mind.

As I come up to Billy's I see dad already outside standing by his cruiser talking to Billy.

"There she is, I thought you got lost Lexie," dad chuckled and pulled me into a side hug.

"Oh please Charlie, Alex would be able to find her way out of the woods blindfolded. She's smart unlike you, can't even find your way to the donut shop." Billy laughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah, old timer go take your meds" dad said rolling his eyes making his way to the driver side of the car.

"He's just mad it's true." I joked bending down to give Billy a hug. "Tell Jacob to keep his ass home next time."

"I'll do my best for you Dot, hopefully we will see you soon. Keep a eye on your sister for me okay?" Billy asked giving me a strange look.

"I'll do my best.. See you Billy"

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