Chapter 7

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"Sometimes you meet someone and even though you never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are your new favorite color."

My knees felt weak as I stared at the man in front of me. He had that same cheeky smirk on his face as he leaned across the door frame, wearing a black hoodie with blue jeans.

"I-I" I stuttered, unable to form a sentence.

"Alex, who's at the door?" Dad asked, coming down the stairs.

I pause, looking between Dad and Paul, and back to dad.

"Chief Swan, it's good to see you again, how have you been?" Paul questioned stepping inside. I give him a confused look, not once have I heard him speak so formal

"Patrick, right?"

"Dad!" I uttered.

"It's Paul actually." Paul smiled, extending his hand.

"Right, same thing," dad said glaring at Paul's extended hand before shaking it. "What can we do for you Paul?"

"Alex and I had plans today, I'm going to take her for lunch, and then we are going back to Sams" He smiled, "and then maybe a movie if we are feeling up to it."

I blinked at him, we never had these plans.

"right , okay have her home by midnight at the latest"

"I'll have her home by 11 sir, promise." Paul smirked.

'MIDNIGHT?' I have never had a curfew of midnight, what the hell is going on.

"Alright honey, have a good day, call me if you need anything." Dad paused. "You still have that..." "Pepper Spray" He whispered to me.

I blushed, "yes dad. Wait, what about Bella? Who is going to watch her today, I can't leave her alone."

Dad stopped placing both hands on my shoulder "she will be fine Alex, I promise."

"But dad," I started.

"Enough Alexandria, Please... I need you to get out of the house, you go have fun and don't worry about Bella okay, please. " He pleaded.

"Okay, but you'll call me if anything happens right?"

"Of course honey, love you, have fun." he says, kissing my forehead.

"Patrick." he stops and glares at Paul. " No funny business, if anything happens." he says, glancing down at his gun in the holster.

"I promise Chief Swan, nothing will happen." Paul smiles, seeming unbothered by the silent threat.

"Okay." Dad nods and walks out the door.

Silence filled the room, as Paul and I were left alone. I'm still confused at what just happened. Glancing at Paul he is still standing by the door smirking at me.

I become aware of how I look. Standing in my Pj shorts, and his hoodie he gave me a while ago. My hair thrown up in a messy bun and my dirty glasses, I subconsciously start to fiddle with my shorts.

Paul struts up to me, pushing my glasses back up my nose " you look cute in glasses," he smirks. "It's good to see you Lexi."

"i-I... um do you want breakfast?" I ask, heart beating a million miles an hour.

'Why am I acting like such an idiot?' I thought.

I rushed into the kitchen to make him a plate.

"It smells good!" Paul said, sitting down at the table.

"Um, how do you take your coffee?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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