Chapter 5

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"You are my life now"
September 13 10:30 PM

I stared at the number in my phone for hours after I got home,

Goodnight Paul I text.

Goodnight Princess ;) he texted back immediately.

I smiled holding my phone close as I fell asleep


September 16 12:30 PM

It's been a few days since Bella's birthday, and things with Bella seem to be different. That night Bella returned with a large cut on her arm that she claimed she tripped onto the Cullens coffee table. She has been distant, often staring out the window or her phone like she is expecting something. The Cullens haven't been in school since then. The Cullens are known for their unexpected hiking trips when days are nice, but it has been overcast and raining since. When I question Bella about their absence she claims she doesn't know whats going on. I even texted Alice a few times and no response.

"Maybe since tomorrow is Saturday, why don't we take a drive to visit them? Maybe they are just sick." I look at Bella trying to comfort my sister.

She looks at me and then back to the lunch table the Cullens normally sit at, "Ye-yeah sure why not." She says, giving me a forced smile. "You don't need a ride home today right?"

"No, I gotta stay a bit and work on a group project and then dads picking me up afterwards." I smile.


September 16 6:00 PM

"See you guys later," I wave to my friends as I walked towards dads cruiser.

"Hey Kiddo, how was school?" Dad questioned

"It was good, we finished up the project early, so Emily is going to hand it in Monday ."

"That's my girl." He smiles patting my head. "Is your sister at home? Do you think she started supper?"

"She should be home, she didn't say she was going anywhere, and I don't think she has been able to get ahold of Edward for a few days so I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hmm" was all dad said.

When we got home we noticed Bella's truck parked in the stall, " I guess she is home." I said, grabbing my bag and headed towards the door.

"Bella we're home!" I yelled while walking inside. Noticing right away her shoes weren't by the door.

"Edward must have picked her up." I mumbled

"That damn kid I told her she needs to tell me when and where she is going to be at all times, I am going to try and call her." Dad scoffed, pulling out his phone.

I made my way upstairs, I taking a look in Bella's room to see if maybe she had fallen asleep, her room was empty. 'This isn't like her to up and leave and not tell us' I thought, changing into Pj shorts and a black T-shirt. I tried to call her but was met with her voicemail. I left a quick message asking her to call us back ASAP. I tried calling Edward but was left with the same result.

I head downstairs to hear dad on the phone with Harry. He gets off the phone and gives me a worried look.

"Whats wrong dad?" I asked.

"Harry said the Cullens left town, their place is empty,"

My heart starts pounding, a million thoughts running through my head, as to where Bella is.

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