𝙰𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕

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The sun was still shy hiding in the horizon, and the few rays of light that reached the master bedroom moved through the curtains. Today was a very important day, and that was the whole reason why Chaeyoung Park set the alarm to go off much earlier than usual.

The horrible ringtone blasted through her phone and immediately Chaeyoung shut it off sitting up in bed a bit groggy.

"Okay, time to do this."

Chaeyoung went to the restroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. It's been a whole month of being married to Lisa, and things between them were pretty great, or at least as best as they could be between two good friends.

They kept to their routines - exchanging text messages, hanging out with their group of friends together or separately. It was just like they did before or close to it.

However, it was board meeting day, and Chaeyoung wanted to do something special for Lisa. The poor woman had been preparing all week for this meeting. Arriving home late at night and going to the office first thing in the morning. Chaeyoung had to admit that she missed seeing Lisa every day.

When Lisa arrived at night, she always changed in the master bedroom. Before going to the guest room Lisa would kiss Chaeyoung's head to tell her good night. That was the only thing that was added to their routine. Nonetheless, even though they kept to their normal behavior Chaeyoung had noticed Lisa had been a bit distant lately. Lisa started avoiding her with lame excuses not to spend time with her alone on the weekends. When they were alone, Lisa took the farthest place away from Chaeyoung on the couch avoiding any type of physical closeness. Whenever Chaeyoung asked her the reason, she would say she didn't want to bother her. Chaeyoung blamed that change on their honeymoon. After that breakdown Lisa closed off again, keeping Chaeyoung at a distance, not allowing herself an opportunity to really relax. Or it had something to do with the fact that they kissed in ways that were clearly unfriendly. Still they never sat down to talk about the impromptu make-out session. Lisa ignored it, and Chaeyoung never mentioned it either.

Chaeyoung splashed her face several times with cold water so she would be wide awake. She put on some pants and walked down to the kitchen. Her plan was to surprise Lisa with homemade breakfast cooked by her not so skilled hands, and that was why Chaeyoung made the incredible effort to be awake before Lisa. Usually it had been the other way around, with Lisa waking her up with tickles before things got awkward between them, and Lisa shut down.

Chaeyoung missed the tickles.

Even Hank was fast asleep in her bed as Chaeyoung passed through the hall reaching the staircase making her way to the kitchen. Once on the bottom floor, Chaeyoung walked through the living room and pushed open the door that led to the huge kitchen.

"Good day Miss Chaeyoung, this is really a surprise." Jihyo smiled as soon as the blonde entered. "Do you need something?"

"Ah no no, it's um, I want to make breakfast for Lisa." Chaeyoung didn't meet Jihyo's brown eyes as she was a bit embarrassed.

"Is that so?" Jihyo quipped, "You know that I can do that as usual Miss Chaeyoung."

"Yeah but today is a big day, and Lisa might not show that she's nervous but she will be and maybe this will make her happy and confident." Chaeyoung started to take out all of the boxes and cooking materials from the cupboard that she was going to need. "I'd appreciate if you helped me though. I really don't wanna burn your kitchen."

Jihyo smiled faintly. "Of course."

After living in Lisa's house for a whole month, Chaeyoung had gotten acquainted with all members of the staff, from the gardeners to the driver to the maids. Chaeyoung had learned that it was futile to insist on doing her own things; these people were hard workers and were accustomed to a rhythm, and Chaeyoung was in no way changing that. Chaeyoung had come to accept the food cooked for her, the bedroom arranged which was usually a mess and to someone handling her laundry. The only thing that Chaeyoung insisted on doing was driving to work after a big discussion with Lisa. The woman suddenly got paranoid with the press stalking Chaeyoung now that she was a married woman. They ended up having their first marriage quarrel because of that with Lisa glaring at Chaeyoung whenever she could and not giving her good morning/good night kisses that Chaeyoung had already been accustomed to for some time. Reconciliation came in the form of chinese food and beers during the weekend with Lisa apologizing for being dense.

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