𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍

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The trip back to her parents house took longer than expected, but nothing could done about it. Traffic sometimes gets crazy in the big city.

A starry night with Eunwoo went well and ended on a nice note. He was a gentleman, being polite and kind to Chaeyoung during their date. He made smartass jokes as usual, but the conversation always returned to work - of complicated surgeries and interesting methods to use in their upcoming surgeries.

To be honest, this didn't look like or feel like a real date. It was more like hanging out with an acquaintance, there was no romantic vibe in the air or stupid butterflies to give Chaeyoung a hint that she was on the right path.

Eunwoo stopped his car in front of her parents' house. As agreed she was going to keep her dates away from Lisa. Being dropped off at her parents' place was her best chance to avoid a trail leading back to Lisa.

"Thanks again for the dinner Eunwoo. It was fun." Chaeyoung smiled kindly as Eunwoo quickly left the car and went to open the door for her.

"My pleasure." The man returned the smile and walked her to her doorstep. "Well I guess I'll see you at work?"

"Sure. Good night Chaeyoung." Eunwoo stood there waiting. Waiting for a hug? a kiss? Chaeyoung didn't know. Still she stepped on her tiptoes to kiss the ortho surgeon good night on his cheek.

"Good night Eunwoo." She turned around, unlocked the door and went inside her folk's place.

Leaning against the door Chaeyoung sighed, her dad came to greet her with his huge smile. He opened his strong arms, and Chaeyoung walked to meet his embrace.

"Welcome back kiddo. How was your date?" Mason enclosed his daughter in his arms kissing the top of her head. The two walked to the living room to sit down and have a chat.

"It was fun, dad. Eunwoo is really nice." Mason perked his brow. "But?"

"But that was it. It was nice." Chaeyoung deflated at the thought. She leaned on the couch, and her father clasped his hands in hers.

"Kiddo, you don't have to force this, you know? Sometimes there is chemistry and sometimes there isn't. That doctor guy seems like a good man, but he doesn't have what you need, baby."

Chaeyoung let out a long sad sigh. She looked at her dad hoping to find the answers of life she sought desperately and leaned on his shoulder. "Dad? I don't know if I'm doing the right thing."

Mason pressed his adult girl to his chest just like when she was a tiny girl, basking in her warmth and providing her with security. "You have all the right to date baby. Lisa promised she wasn't going to interfere, you do not need to feel guilty."

"I know dad." Chaeyoung pulled away from her father and laced her hands, her head bowed down not meeting his gaze. "It's just that it feels wrong. I hoped that going out again was going to be a sign for Lisa to move on from Tzuyu, to go out and find love. So far all I have accomplished is pushing her back into more hours of work and drinking her stress away. I barely see her dad, it's like she's avoiding me. When I asked Jisoo what was going on. she almost ripped my head off. Did I make a mistake dad?" Chaeyoung pouted; she was truly sad.

Mason understood his daughter's confusion, she had no idea what was going on with her friend. Jisoo had quickly let everyone know that Lisa was finally acknowledging her feelings for his daughter. Everyone went insane with bets and preparing a huge celebration, but there was no celebration.

Last month Jisoo had confirmed that Lisa was going to declare her feelings, and everyone was awaiting the long due news, but in the end it was Chaeyoung wanting to go on dates again and breaking Lisa's heart in the process. That clearly broke the spirits of their friends. Chaeyoung was oblivious to Lisa's feelings because she took them for granted. Mason hoped that this exploration would cause Chaeyoung to finally realize that this emptiness she was describing was because she loved Lisa as much as Lisa loved the blonde.

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