Enjoy Your Evening!

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I jumble between 3 dummies in my hand and run a bit to put it on the table. Phew!

Fuck you Dave Walker! I waited for him last night. He said we would have a meeting at 7.30 pm. But he wasn't online until 8.30 pm. Later, I found out he was having dinner with my sister. Grrrr... why he had to say 7.30 pm while it was clear that he won't be available until much later!! And he also told me to make these dummy for today.

I go to his wet bar and make a cup of coffee for myself. Dave has the best coffee bean and I deserve a good coffee. I don't care if he accused me for stealing his coffee.

Dave comes into his office, disgustingly handsome, fresh and sexy. I glare at him. I'm no longer a respectful employee since he keeps pulling his asshole boss' card on me.

He smiles, "morning Lyssa!"

"These are the dummy you are asking for, Dave." I gesture at the packaging. "Now if you excuse me, I'll go back to my desk," I say.

He chuckles "why are you in a hurry? Sit down and wait for me. It doesn't take too much of your time for me to decide on this," he says in relax and sits on his chair, taking the dummies. "And enjoy your coffee. Your welcome," he says sarcastically and grins.

"Well, it will be better if I have someone to serve it for me," I say like a queen and sit on the chair in front of him with a cup of hot coffee. While waiting for him, I try to enjoy my coffee. Hmm... so good! Money doesn't lie.

"Which one is your favorite?" He asks me at the moment my yawn escapes from my mouth. I try my best to stifle it.

"I like that one." I point at the one he is holding.

He doesn't reply to me, just look at me deeply. So I raise an eyebrow at him.

He clears his throat and checks the dummy for a while. "Are you tired?"

"Well not really it's just my boss said to me to finish the dummy last night. So I just went to bed at 2. And at 6 my alarm rings wake me up. Your welcome."

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Huh? Normally we will get into endless banter.

"For your information I need to double concealer under my eyes. So would you please buy the new one for me if I finished this one?" I ask in a saccharine tone.

"I'm sorry Lyssa," he says seriously.

And now.. I feel bad. Ugh Lys. Pleaseee!! He shouldn't do that to you. He deserved to feel bad.

I shrug, "do you need anything else from me, Dave?"

He shakes his head. I nod and leave his office. Wondering why out of sudden the smugness in his face was gone.


Dave: no meeting for today. Have some good rest and enjoy your evening, Lyssa.

I stare at my screen. I should've done the monkey dance right now or even open a bottle of champagne. But.. why there is a tiny disappointment in my heart. Tiny really, it's not big. Nope, not that big.

I put down my phone and go to my abandoned kitchen. I remember 2 months or 3 months ago I just got a recipe from Meg to make a delicious  sweet and sour pork. Meg is my best friend in university, and her live-in boyfriend is half chinese. So when Meg visited her boyfriend's parents, they taught her how to make the best sweet and sour pork. And she is generous enough to share the recipe with me.

I take out all the ingredients and make it. Today my sister is going to THF fundraising. And she most likely go back to Zac's apartment instead of here, even though she said she declined Zac. I feel bad, I know why my sister declined it. I'm debating myself whether I should tell her about the truth back then. But it's not my secret to tell.

I finished the sweet and sour pork. It looks great. I try a bite. Hmm!! Nice!!

My phone ping. Dave! I run to it and check. Ugh.. it's not Dave. It's my stupid ex sending me the same text message. Asking me whether I miss him or not. I block his number and throw my phone to the couch and enjoy my dinner.

But no matter how much I enjoyed it, I couldn't erase the lonely feel in my heart. I swallow, looking at my laptop.

It's been 3 days Dave and I don't have any zoom meeting after work. And I hate to admit it that I miss him and our talk in the evening. We talk during dinner time on the screen. It's not like any important talk, more like banter here and there. Very light and fun.

In the office he's been so aloof too. I don't know why. No more the Flirty Dave. As if we are back like the old us.. professional all the time.

I exhale. I should've enjoyed myself, but I couldn't help but stay in front of my laptop waiting for the call from the bossman. What is wrong with me? I was the one who complained about this all the time.

After an hour of debating myself finally I text Dave.

Alyssa: Hey Dave, I already finished the latest design for the all new gummy bear.

I bite my lower lip waiting for his answer.


Dave: well done Lyssa. I'll check on it tomorrow. Enjoy your evening.

Alyssa: okay. But I'm free now, in case you want to do the zoom meeting.

Dave: that's not necessary. Just rest your eyes.

Alyssa: okay. Good night Dave.

Dave: Good night Lyssa.

I throw my phone on the couch and groan. Maybe I just feel lonely since Alli is not here.

Maybe Dave has a girlfriend, that's why he couldn't has a meeting with me.. and why I feel a pang of jealousy? No no it's not jealous. I just used to have a daily evening with him, and out of sudden we don't have it anymore. Not jealous. Nope!

My phone ping. Dave! Before I grab my phone I stop.. no.. it could be my lunatic ex. But I still take it anyway, just in case.

Mom: 💩

Lys: mom? Jeez!

Mom: little chocolate kiss for my girls. What are you two doing right now, babies?

Lys: mom, it's a poop not chocolate kiss. Eww I want to puke! 🤢

Mom: oh? Are you serious or it's just your joke, Lys?

Lys: mom the one who loves to joke is you. And yes, I'm serious

Mom: oh my lord! I sent it to the grocery staff's group yesterday. Because I made chocolate molten lava cake!

Lys: did they reply to you?

Mom: yes. They give me a smile emoji. I thought they were excited!

Lys: LOL!!! They must thought you just cured your constipation

Dad: Cameron texted 'congratulations Mrs. Wheelers. That's good for you'

I laugh so hard.

Mom: Shh Victor Wheeler! By the way where is Alli? Why is she so quiet?

Lys: where else? 😏

Mom: 😍😍 with Zac! Okay okay. Not going to disturb her. What about you Lys? Why are you still texting! You don't have any extra work to do?

I sigh. I just forgot about it and mom has to remind me again.

Lys: no mom. The boss decided that he wants me to take some rest

Mom: oh! He came to his senses! That's good. Then enjoy your evening, sweetie.

I know.. but why I don't feel like that.. maybe it's just PMS. Hormone instability makes you think like a loony.

Haha you just finished your cycle last week, sweetheart!

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