Chapter 2

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"This is you last appointment for today. You have a virtual live event tomorrow at 1pm" P'Eed said while putting some bags at the back of Bright's car

"I'll text you the rest of the information" she added then closed the door. Bright and Win both nodded. P'Eed is driving with Bright today because Win had to come meet his friends for a party

Bright went to the driver seat while P'Eed seated on the shotgun. "Will you be okay?" Bright asked as he lowered his window and started the engine

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow" he replied and went to his car. Bright is somehow relieved because Win gets to hang out with his friends, get his mind off work and just have fun. He decided to go straight home after dropping off P'Eed.

"Hey mom" Bright greeted his mother who is combing his cat's hair

"Hi. I cooked you dinner, are you hungry?" She asked and stood up to prepare a meal for Bright

"Yeah, we just finished the last event for today" he sighed and sat on the couch. He played with Ame, his cat, and took some videos to post on his igs.

"Do you want to go with your Uncle? He's going out with some of your friends tonight. You could use some fun"

"I think I'll just eat dinner and hit the bed Mom. Im not in the mood to go out tonight" Bright replied as he sat on the chair in the dining table to eat. His mom smiled at him but deep inside, she felt bad for her son. He works all the time so he'd rather stay at home and rest than actually have fun like what young people at his age should be doing

"When you're done, just leave the dishes at the sink. I'll wash it after i give Ame a bath" then his mom went into the other room

Bright hurriedly eat dinner so he could listen to some songs and finally go to sleep. After he took a shower, he played a playlist of chilling songs and scrolled through his instagram

He was looking at some photos from a photography page when Win posted a story. It was him and his friends celebrating, drinking. Bright has this uneasy feeling but shrugged it off, knowing that his Nong is with his friends. He simply replied "dont drink too much, we have work tomorrow" which Win replied with an okay emoji

After a while, another story was posted by a friend of Win which Win reposted on his igs too. It was a video of Win singing a soundtrack of Still 2gether and was already having this drunk blush on his cheeks. Bright couldn't knock off the feeling so he contacted P'Eed

"Hello Phi, can you call Win? I think he's having too many drinks. I saw it on his igs" Bright said then stood up from bed

"I did too. He's having a good time with friends but he might not be well for the event tomorrow. Let me see what I can do" P'Eed replied then Bright heard some movement from the other line

"It's okay P. I think he can sober up if he stops drinking now. We might have to redo every appointment if we move this ome. I'll go get him na" then P'Eed reminded him to stay safe and ended the call

Bright took a jacket and a bonnet with him, together with his wallet and car keys. He called Win while he was walking towards the parking lot.

"Hello?" Win said as he picked up the call. Bright could hear the music and laughters on the other side of the call

"Where are you? I'm picking you up"

"What? No, I'm okay Phi. I can still drive home" Bright sighed and unlocked his car

"Im not in the mood to argue Win. Send me the address. I'm leaving now" he said firmly and ended the call. A little later then Win sent an address of a restaurant. Bright is familiar with this as this is where he usually goes with his friends fro karaoke and drinking night too. It didn't take him long to get there.

There are plenty of people in there so Bright felt even more uncomfortable. What if they're all fans here and they'd pry? He cant let it happen. Win is probably drunk, he might do something reckless and their fans are incredibly fast in taking a video or picture of something.

Bright took a deep breath and waited near the entrance then he called Win

"Where are you krub? Im here near the entrance"

"Going down Phi" then he ended the call

Bright watched Win going out of the restaurant and he was thankful that no one had dragged him for a picture or took a video of Win leaving. Everybody seemed to be busy partying or too drunk to notice them so he opened the car door for Win

Bright was a little bit mad. Not of Win but of the fact that he's drunk when he was constantly telling him not to overdo it because they have work tomorrow. Win was getting inside the car then Bright said "I told you not to get drunk because we have work tomorrow" then Win closed the door. Bright didn't know that the guy who passed by, hearing what he said, was a lowkey brightwin fan (hence the spill i read on ig! Hehe)

"Im sorry Phi. I got carried away with the moment" Win replied and rested his head with eyes closed. Bright let out a frustrating sigh and started driving

"I cant take you home you tonight. It's late and I'm tired so do you have the card for your condo instead?" Bright asked while still driving

"In my wallet krub. Wait, what about my car?" Win asked with eyes opened now and he was sitting properly

"We'll get it tomorrow before work" then Bright drove to Win's condo

Win was just looking outside window, admiring the city lights. It was already late at night so there's only a few people on the streets. Other than that, it was peaceful and serene and the the cold wind makes it even more relaxing

"Win , I told you to take it easy. We have work tomorrow" Bright said in a low voice, it was as if he was talking heartily to Win

"I know Phi. I'm sorry you had to pick me up. I know you are tired" Win said apologetically while looking at Bright. Bright held Win's hand, assuring him that it's fine. Win let out a sigh and closed his eyes again (don't forget that this is still gonna end up as a love story! Hahaha just a little different than the rest)

"Tired too, Nong?" Bright asked as he got inside the parking lot of Nong's condo

"Little drunk Phi hahaha" then Win went outside. Bright followed and caught up with Win in the elevator

"You are a hard headed guy. Do that again next time, I'll punish you" Win smirked at Bright, asking him for a challenge

"Are you teasing me?" Bright asked intimately looking at Win's lips. Win stopped teasing Bright which made Bright even more annoyed

"You're so dead Metawin" Bright said as he smirked at Win

"Are you staying Phi? It's late" Win asked, getting off the elevator

"I think so. I'll call mom"

(A/N: AGAIN, this is a fan fiction. None of what's written here is true or if there are some similarities, purely not intended.. hope brightwin stans like it!)

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