Chapter 3

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"You're first event for today is at 1pm, that's the live event" P'Eed instructed Bright while Bright checked the time. It was almost 9 in the morning and he looked to see if Win was beside him, but he isnt. He sat up from bed and stared at the city view from Win's condo. It was almost the same as his view at home.

P'Eed ended the call after informing Bright of the events today. Bright then stood up to look for Win

"Good morning" Win greeted Bright as soon as he entered Win's walk-in closet. Bright just nodded at him while his eyes are half-closed

"Should we get ready for the event?" Win asked as he continues to pick what he's going to wear today. Bright nodded at Win again, making it look like he's not entirely consciously awake yet then Bright went to the kitchen

"You know, if you're still tired, you can sleep a little more. We're a bit early" Win stopped choosing clothes and followed Bright to the kitchen. He sat in a high chair facing Bright who is now turning on the coffee machine

"Im fine now. I just need coffee. How about you, do you feel groggy?" Bright asking if Win has a hangover from last night. Win nodded "no" with his head which made Bright pat his head. Win tried to hide a smile as he went to the couch and played with his phone

A few minutes, Bright sat beside Win handing him a cup of coffee too.

"P'Eed said we go in live at 1 so we have to be there before that. What time should we leave?" Bright asked Win as he took out his phone too

"Hmm. Around 10:30? We can eat lunch with P before going to the event" Win replied and took a sip in his coffee

Win put down his phone and turned on the TV.

"I'll take a bath first. Entertain yourself with some movies here" Win said as he sat up. He took Bright's empty cup from his hand and brought it to the kitchen sink along with his

"Should I join you?" Bright teasingly asked Win. Win   covered his ears pretending not to hear Bright and walked quickly to the bathroom

"Cute" Bright said after letting out a small laugh

For a couple of minutes, Bright spent his time watching a movie in Netflix while waiting for Win to finish. He also thought of what he should wear for today and what clothes of his are still at Win's condo

"Im done now" Win said as he got out only with his pants on. He was drying his hair with a towel. He looked incredibly hot, as what Bright have thought as well.

"That's better than any view" Bright made a remark which made Win look at him with big eyes. Bright just chuckled at him and stood up, heading towards Win. Win stood there frozen and was just looking at Bright whose face is so close to Win's neck now. Bright let out a breath which gave Win goosebumps. Bright then moved backwards and smiled

"What body wash is that? Smells nice. I should use that too" Bright teasingly said and headed towards the bathroom. Win hit Bright with a towel which made Bright chuckle

"Perv" Win said looking defeated

"I dont know which clothes are yours or mine now. Just wear anything you want" Win told Bright as he took out his brown polo sleeves and wore it over a shirt. Bright wore a white hoodie and a bonnet

Bright drove to the restaurant where Win partied last night to go get his car then they drove to the restaurant to eat lunch, each in a different car.

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