Chapter 4

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"I can say that loving you is easy, I dont need to prove a single thing..." Win was singing along to the music while lounging on Bright's couch waiting for him. It was almost 9 in the evening and Win decided to stay at Bright's condo even if Bright asked him to play football with him and Nani

"Nani asked to play football. Should we go?" Bright asked Win who's playing with his phone at Bright's balcony

"I think I'll stay here. My knee still hurts from playing yesterday" Bright went to Win and checked his knee

"It's a little better now compared to yesterday. I was worried when your fans posted a picture of you, injured " Bright was not able to play with Win yesterday because he had to spend time with his Mom before she goes back home and had to bring her to the airport so Win played with Mick instead

"You should go play with Nani. I'll just stay here" Win said to Bright but Bright wasn't sure of leaving yet

"I dont want to leave you here alone" Bright said worriedly

"It's not like Im bedridden or anything. Just go have some fun, okay?" Then Win smiled which of course, made Bright feel better

"Okay. I'll go fix my things. Uncle Kik is going with us, I think"

"Hm" Win said as an approval and nodded his head at Bright. Bright then went to get his stuff ready while Win was just relaxing with the view

"Win, have you seen my football shoes? The black one? Maybe Ame played with it again " Bright asked from his room

"No I didnt" Win replied

A few minutes later, Bright came out with an astro bag on his shoulder and a shoe bag on his hand

"Will you really be fine here?" He asked again as he went to Win

"Stop worrying" Win assured him and gave him a warm smile. Bright felt relieved

"Okay, call me if you need anything. Im leaving now" he bid his goodbye and patted Win's head. As soon as Bright left the condo, Win checked the time. It was 6 in the evening so he decided to go inside and watch some movies

Win was sitting on the couch while singing along to the song Bright said reminds him of Win. He was looking at the photos of Bright, Nani, and P'Kik together in the game which fans tagged him with when his phone rang

"Hello?" He asked

"How are you there?" Bright asked on the other line

"Im okay here. Well rested hahaha" Bright smiled

"Did you eat?" He added

"I had japanese food delivered here a while ago. What about you?" Win asked. It was a bit loud on Bright's line probably because of the game or the fans

"They wanted to eat outside after the game so I was thinking of picking you up there" Bright replied which made Win flattered because even if they're not together, Bright still thinks of him

"Im okay Phi. I ate already. You can go eat with them. Dont worry about me"

"It'll be just us three. I will order some food to take home. I might be a little late"

"Dont worry, go have fun. I'll just be here, abusing your condo" then Win chuckled which made Bright smiled too

"I brought groceries last night. You can eat whatever you like" Bright offered

"Alright. Im fine here. Have a good time there and be careful" Win said which made Bright smile. Win is always caring and thoughtful

"Hm" Bright said with a nod (an expression which means 'okay') "I have to call Mom and ask if she's at home already" Then Bright ended the call

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