Author's Note:

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So I've been inactive for almost a month  because im really busy at school as a med student and I would really like to apologize for those who were waiting for another chapter. I'm really sorry kub...

I decided to post this message today even for just a few minutes of writing this because it's our bunny's birthday! And I couldn't get enough fo what B did for W today!

I know B had something for our bunny but i was worried earlier today! Then i watched W's birthday live while doing my assignments so when B commented, my heart literally dropped. He always has ways for our bunny.

Im still trying to get updates from brightwin fan accounts on how they've been doing..

• Win posted a picture to greet Prim on her bday the day after Bright posted on his igs a video of Tu

• there was a 2gether the series blanket just above Tu's head so it probably means that B still uses it!

•Win was seen wearing a ring on his index finger the B was also caught wearing a ring (not sure if they're the same) on his index fingers tooo!!

•B is rumored to have a movie with filipina actress Liza Soberano (?)

•Win with those tattoos was just burning!!

•B guested at GoyNattyDream and when the girls are still talking to him, he suddenly saw his nong's face on the big screen (which was still far away) and the girls felt like they were ignored (in a fun way) by our Phi 😂

•a fan asked a grab driver in front of the gmm building if he sees nong often and the driver said he does and he's always with his handsome friend that has big eyes (and we all know who that is 😉)

•F4 shooting is already starting now and there are rumors that B and W are inseparable off the set. There was this time when the actors are eating but Win got called on the set before he started to eat so W went to B and asked for a bite. B immediately fed his nong and asked "is it good?" W said "very much krub" smiling very widely then he went to the set while the other actors are so silent and were looking at them. Bright look at them too and asked "what?"  So everybody went back to their own businesses

• i read somewhere that some people are making it a big deal of how W ended the live when B commented asking W to pick him up downstairs. I think that W is so polite because he just didn't end the call right away. If that was me, I would end it as soon as possible because my friends are waiting for me to pick them up. We all know that P'Eed called him already but he didn't answer because he doesn't know what would happen to the live, if it will end or smth, maybe that's why B decided to comment on nong's live because he wasn't answering P'eed and he probably knows that his nong is busy doing the live. Who knows, the F4 casts might get swarmed by the fans or they're carrying stuff like their gifts and cake for nong so they needed Nong to go down to get them because they just cant barge in his condo but W still thanked everyone who celebrated his birthday with him, even shared how that day is memorable for him. He litrally excused himself to go pick up his Phi. Let's try to understand that there are circumstances which made our nong hurry. He already missed a call from P'Eed, his Phi already commented on his live yet he still had time to say "brothers and sister, friends, ..." instead of "everyone, thank you for today". Please do not misunderstand our bunny. We all know how polite is he and we should try not to feel bad when he ended the live quickly. Some said hundreds of gifts from fans are replaced by one green collection car from Bright. We all know how W feels for his fans. He never failed to show how grateful he is (he cried in front of his fans when they threw a party for him. I felt touched with how grateful our nong is and he always say that he wouldnt be where he is right now if it wasnt for bright and his fans) and he celebrated his birthday in advance with his fans for days. Maybe we can let our Nong have just that one night to celebrate with his friends and his Phi. It's not a competition between the fans and Phi. We both love Win dearly and we all can show our love to him in our own ways. Spread love everybody. BRIGHTWIN love ❤️

And lastly, I need your help. I wanted to ask the readers if i should:
A. continue doing fan fictions about the moments of BWs in day to day's life which are random; or
B. Make my own story with an actual plot

Please let me know your thoughts on the comment section of this chapter by commenting A or B on your choices. I also would want to hear your thoughts about the updates i got... thank you very much krub and stay safe! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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