sleepover time

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no one's view ;

" it's dark guys... "

" no shit sherlock.. " haruto answered back to junkyu. and of course, that only made the elder mad, eyes turned bright yellow and fangs forming.

" you little- "

" leave him, he's like that... " mashiho says. it was weird how junkyu listened knowing how hardheaded he was. it's like mashiho hypnotised him.

" isn't that weird ? your brother doesn't usually listen to anyone... " he whispered to doyoung following their elder members.

" right ? he doesn't even listen to jihoon hyung ! and they're best friends ? " junghwan added.

meanwhile, doyoung walking in the middle, wasn't surprised. it was all familiar with him. this was how his brother would react every time he liked someone. and even if junkyu wouldn't admit it, deep inside he was developing something for mashiho. doyoung just doesn't know how it started.

he hasn't seen them talk before.

if only he knew.

" okay guys, we might have to rest for the night... " yoshi announced.

" should we try to get some woods ? it'll definitely be cold later... " jihoon requested.

" oh ! hyung ! i wanna do it ! "

the youngest, junghwan the little cutie volunteered. but with his friends being over protective, they refused to have their youngest member go alone.

" there is no way, you'll get hurt, plus who knows what's in the woods... " jeongwoo says.

" and what if someone takes you and goes missing like jaehyuk ? " junkyu adds. this made the youngest member pout.

" it's okay i'll go with him.. "

everyone's eyes on yoshi.

so sudden ?

" yeah not happening, what if you do something to our youngest- "

" for god sakes why are you all treating him like a baby ? he's a grown ass child ! " haruto said annoyed cutting jihoon off rudely.

" don't worry, yoshi can't even hurt a bug, let alone a child... " mashiho states.

" it's settled then ! c'mon yoshi hyung ! "

yoshi's view ;

walking next to me was junghwan. the pure youngest was just wondering around, eyes like puppies admiring the forest we were going through. how can someone so pure be in a mission like this ?

i can't explain how much i adore him. sure, we have a five year age gap, but it still won't stop me, it's not like i have any bad things in mind to harm him.

i remember the first time i first laid my eyes on him.

so freaking adorable.

but of course, i was super disappointed when i found he had to be one of them. that's how i started dating mashiho which didn't work out too well. it's kind of weird dating a close friend of yours.

" hyung ! look ! woods ! "

" good job ! " i praised the younger patting his head. i swear i saw him blushing slightly but it was so dark, all we had the moonlight shining above us.

we both ran to the said woods, and we started picking them up. luckily, we both had the strength to carry a bunch of them. heavy, but it was manageable.

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