break ;-;

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no it's not an update, but you can tell from the title, I'll be taking a break, and NO, not because of the treasure situation, but I will say I was kind of shocked and disappointed with how the situation was dealt, but y'know, it's YG, so I don't expect much

anyway, the real reason is I have been working nonstop, I don't think I've gotten a proper break, and with semester already over, it doesn't still help the fact that I have a part time job to do because your girl gotta earn for herself

this will be a short and summary of the story about my life, which is also one of the reason why i'm taking a break .-.

also this will be sudden plus I've been in wattpad for a long ass time

i lost my father a year ago, and because of that I have to work for my own needs and wants and not depend on my mother, as she's raising both me and my sister, which explains I haven't gotten a break

also im not mentally well

and yes, im doing both studying and working


another thing, random but this isn't my first wattpad acc, my first ever acc was two years ago ? i don't remember but yeah, it was going well, had 1k followers which I didn't expect and was so appreciative of, but the thing was, i was a huge fan of shipping, yeah those toxic shippers, won't mention which group but I'm not a stan of them anymore not because I hate them but I just lost interest

yeah I was cancelled pretty bad by quite a few fans after hating on idols but at the same time some fans also their true colours and agreed with my opinions and got dragged down as well which I feel weird about thinking about it now but yeah

but after being one of those toxic fans, I had stopped writing properly but decided to return with a whole new ass content, also deleted account because it became a bad part of my past

and I have changed lmao, older and wiser

but in the process of changing, also my motivation in writing has changed

I'd update like five stories and be so motivated but things have changed and let's say I've become more slow

that's why I kinda just wanna take my time and take another break, but I just don't know how long

don't worry I ain't leaving forever lmao, I'll be back with new stories and also to finish that damn book because fuck im taking too long ;-;

but yeah that's a bit of my story and also my temporary leave / break, hope y'all wait for the next chapter

thank you for being patient !!!

logging off for now,
san :>

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