Chapter 11

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For a little while everything was normal, until...

Red Skull attacked. He was on top of a reptilian and he had his soldiers following him. Thor and Cap were speechless. Well, I could understand Cap being shocked, but why was Thor?

PM: Don't worry, it's not a dinosaur.

T: No, it's something worse... my destiny. The only person, who knows about this, is my brother, Loki.

Me: The one who killed 80 people in 2 days?

T: He's adopted.

SR: What do you mean by destiny?

T: This is a reptile of Midgard. It's prophesized that its loss means my death.

Me: That's not going to happen.

T: That means that Loki is behind this. We need to go after him.

SR: I agree, but we can't let the Skull hurt people.

TS: We're going to split into two teams. The first will fight the Skull and Captain will be in charge and the other team will fight Loki, and Thor will be in charge. The one's who can fly will go for Loki and the rest for Skull. That means, Thor, Evelyn, Emma, Wanda, Vision and myself will go against Loki. Cap, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Bucky and Pietro, you're on the other team. Falcon and Machine, you'll stay here.

PM: I always wanted to take on a god.

Em: And I want to be on Steve's team.

PM: Switch with me?

Em: Yes.

TS: Why do I even bother?

Em: Well, they need someone who can fly on Cap's team.

TS: Okay but who's going to carry Pietro?

Me: If that's the problem, I can do it. If it comes down to it, his sister can as well.

PM: So, it's done!

TS: Does his girlfriend know?

T: Enough with the talking. We need to go.

We went to Skull's hideout. We sent Pietro ahead to sweep the place and then we headed there too. When we arrived, we started searching for the basement. We found it, went downstairs, but we saw wasn't just any normal basement. We saw a big hallway and at its end Skull seated on a throne and around him a reptile and around both of them and the hallway was lava.

TS: Well, I told you the ones who can fly should be here. How is Quicksilver going to pass this?

PM: I'll get on your back.

T: Some of us need to distract the reptile and the others have to take that crown off of Skull's head.

WM: My brother and I will go for the crown.

Pietro's POV

While they distracted the reptile, my sister and I passed the lava. The Skull was protected by a dome, which my sister broke easily.

WM: How are we going to take off the crown?

Me: I'll just pull it off. The hard part was to pass the dome.

I tried to grab the crown, but an invisible force threw me back. I almost fell in the lava, but, luckily, my sister saved me.

WM: Easy, huh? I'll try to take it off with my magic.

She managed to take it off of him.

End of Pietro's POV

TS: And now smart-heads? How are we going to distract it?

Me: Easily. Thor is going to be bait.

After we caught his attention, the twins left. It was heading towards Thor, opened its mouth and I punched it.

Stark and Vision shot it at the same time. Then we started fighting. At some point it was completely still and we saw that they took the crown off. Then Thor and I threw lightning at it. It fell in the lava. When we beat it, in front of us appeared...

Emma's POV

NR: Emma, open a portal.

I opened the portal and we went there. We were in front of Hydra's army.

CB: Couldn't you take us a little further from them? You had to bring us right in front of them?

B: Why? Do you see them doing anything?

Me: Why is Cap still so shocked?

B: It's about Skull, but still he shouldn't be like this. Go talk to him.

I went by his side.

Me: What's wrong?

He didn't answer, because he was staring at Skull. I placed my hand on his chin and turned his head towards me.

Me: I know it's your past knocking on your door, but we can face it together.

He seemed relaxed and when he was about to answer, they started attacking us. I created a shield.

SR: Widow and Hawkeye, protect the civilians. Winter Soldier, Hulk, Galaxy and I will take Skull.

I pushed the shield and the soldiers fell. Bucky and I fought together, in order to clear the way for Steve and Hulk. When they reached Skull, the reptile started destroying some buildings.

Me: Leave that to me.

I created a magical board in order to be able to fly and see the battle field better. I built magical walls and pillars to hold the buildings up, and I made pathways or opened portals so the people could get out. At some point I heard Hulk, turned around and saw him have a hold of the reptile and Skull falling down. Steve was about to catch him, but he disappeared. Before we could figure out what was happening, we disappeared too. The next minute we were in the tower and M.O.D.O.K. and Loki were standing in front of us. That red thing lit on his head, we fell down and then everything turned black.

End of Emma's POV

I woke up, turned around and everyone was unconscious. Then I saw... 

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