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If one was to enroll in Adventure Bay Prep, they would need to either steer clear of the two popular gangs, or join either of them. If one was into causing trouble for laughs, then the gang for him would be the Paw Patrol. Or if one desired to do good deeds for others, the Penta Girls were for him or her.  This decision was brought upon the new gang in town, the Bat family.

The Bat family called themselves that because their father happened to be called the Batman. He was Gotham's Billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne, and on top of that, he was the world's bes t detective. His kids are as follows: The oldest at 17 Barbara Gordon, next at 16 was Dick Grayson, at 15 were Jason Todd,  Brianne and Abigale Wayne, at 14 were Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown, at 13 was Cass Cain, and at 11 were Damian and Terry Wayne.

Only, Brianne, Abigale, Damian and Terry were Bruce's biological kids, but Barbara, Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie and Cass were all loved as though they were biological. 

When the Paw Patrol heard about the  Bat fam, they wanted to see what kind of gang they were, and if they would join them. So in the cafeteria, during lunch, the bad kids went to meet the new bunch.

"Hey, I heard you lot were new here. So we came to get to know ya." The leader said. He was a tall caucasian boy with brown hair that stood up.

"Uh, hi? Who are you?" Barbara asked uneasily.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Ryder Williams, and this is my crew. My two second in command are Chase Shepherd and Marshall Dalmatian. My two girls are Skye Ariel and Everest Snowhound.  Over there's Rocky Colden, Rubble Digger, Zuma Aqua and Tracker Travis." Ryder listed. Each member wore a black leather jacket with fingerless gloves, cargo pants and combat boots. Skye and Everest wore a black choker around their necks, and wore their hair in a high ponytail.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Barbara Gordon-Wayne and these are a few of my siblings. This is Dick Grayson-Wayne, Jason Todd-Wayne, the twins, Brianne and Abigale Wayne, the other twins Tim Drake-Wayne and Stephanie Brown-Wayne, and lastly Cassandra Cain-Wayne. We have two younger brothers who are also twins but they are in fifth grade." Barbara introduced.

"Nice to meet you. Now I noticed most of you have two last names. May I ask why?" Chase asked.

"Oh, that? Well, you see our father adopted most of us. Bree, Gale, and the other brothers are the only ones who are of real blood with our father." Dick said.

"Nice to know. How would you like to join our crew?" Skye asked.

"Ahem! You don't want to join them. They do nothing but cause trouble and land themselves in the principle's office. Hi, I'm Katie Forrester. I lead the Penta Girls." A girl with blonde hair said as she walked up the Bat Fam's table.

"I like that name, the Penta Girls. YOu're using the Greek prefix for the number five,are you not?" Gale said.

"Yes, I am. If you would like, I'll introduce you to my squad." Katie offered. The Bat Fam agreed.

Ryder and his crew gave Katie a glare; they didn't want her to take all of those kids.

"So here! This my twin sister Kay, and there's Zara, princess of Barkingburg, Eilje, and Ace. We'd love to have you join us, but of course, you don't have to." Katie introduced.

"It's nice to meet you! And you have a princes in your group?! Sweet!" Bree exclaimed.

"Yes, though I would prefer you not say that out loud. It was very hard for me to get permission to attend this school, so I do hope I don't attract attention." Zara said.

'Oh! Of course! We know how you feel. We're the children of the most famous person in our city, and the paparazzi always wants to talk with us." Stephanie stated. Zara nodded.

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