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As midnight approached, three hooded figures sneaked out of the mansion, as quietly as they could as to not to wake the others. Once free from hearing range, the three began to converse as they made their way to their school.

"Jeez! You'd think that place would be under lock and alarms!" The tallest of the three announced.

"Well, this mansion is out of Father's range and he has no way of setting up alarm systems." The second tallest figure answered.

"Besides, I'm sure Father never thought to think we could have the idea to sneak out as we do when we are at the manor. Father almost never stays long in any of his other mansions, so he has no reason to add security measures." The last figure stated.

"However so, Father knew we would be living here for the school year, and possibly more to come. At least he would have made arrangement to ensure our safety." The second person replied.

"Guys, we have Babs. She's the oldest and he entrusted her with our safety, so if we get hurt, or get in trouble, it'll be her fault for not watching us. Now come on.  They guys are waiting for us."  The first person said and led the two others to the meeting place.

"Ah, Jason. Cutting it close, are we? Come on. Ryder's waiting." A tan skinned boy with messy hair said once he saw the three figures.

"Ah, Jason. You came. Who are your friends?" Ryder asked, approaching the two younger boys.

"I'm Damian and this is Terry. We are Jason's adopted brothers. But before you make assumptions about our abilities, I'll tell you one thing. Terry and I were raised by the League of Assassins, so we know how to throw a killing throw. We can even take you lot down within ten minutes." 

"Awww! How can someone as dangerous as you say be as cute as you two look? Ryder, can we allow these two cuties to join along with their brother? Surely we can use them to our advantage." Skye fawned over the two boys, her blonde hair tickling their faces.

"You know the rules, Skye. No one can join unless they pass the tests. Shall I send them on their way, Ryder?" Marshall said. Ryder gave the light skinned boy a nod.

"Alright. You three need to pass three stages of the test. First, you must be able to snatch the hammer with the gold lining from the pawn shop, then make your way to the Forrester girls' home. From there, you need to use the hammer to break open their safe and retrieve one item and bring it back to us. If you can do all this within the next forty minutes, you're in and you get your own codenames." Chase explained.

"Not to mention, you'll get to know our codenames." Everest added.

"Ha! Give us something hard to do! We're the sons of the world's greatest detective. You think we wouldn't be able to do this?" Terry taunted.

"Okay, let's prove that theory. Your time starts...Now!" Rubble yelled.

The three boys were off, sprinting to the pawn shop.

"Alright, Terry, you see it there?" Jason asked. Terry nodded.

"Open the vent and crawl in there and grab it." Damian said. This was done in less than ten minutes.

The boys hurried toward the address given to them.

"Dang! These girls have a nice home. It'll be a shame to bust it." Jason smirked as he climbed into the open window.

"I guess this town doesn't have criminals such as the Joker to worry about. Otherwise, why leave the window open?" Damian said as he and Terry followed Jason.

They located the safe and began work. 

"There! That's why hammers have those long tusks! To break open safes!" Terry laughed as he watched Jason use the back of the hammer to remove the safe's door off its hinges.

Terry grabbed the locket necklace that lay in there and they climbed right out.

"Wow. Just under twenty minutes! That's gotta be a new record, eh, Ryder?" Zuma chirped.

"You guys are in. Welcome to the Paw Patrol. You may call me Ry. Tell them your names, guys. " Ryder announced.

"I'm Aerial, I'm the eyes in the sky." Skye said.

"I'm Winter. I just so happen to be able to breath out ice, so I use that to my advantage." Everest said.

"Since my last name happens to describe me well, I'm Digger. If you need a hole dug for a quick get away, I'm your man." Rubble said.

"When you need water for any occasion, Aquatic is your man." Zuma said.

"Fire is what you call me, I can put out a fire as fast as I can start one." Marshall quipped.

"Since I'm second in command, Chief is the only proper name for me." Chase did a heroic pose.

"Compass is what they call me. I have a really good sense of direction, so get lost and I'll lead the way to  wherever we need to be." Tracker chirped.

"As I always say, don't lose it, reuse it! Give all your garbage to me, and I'll make it into something useful. Because I do that, they call me Recycle." Rocky proudly announced.

"And you can call me Zach. No one but you and the gang here know my real name. So no one will ever think to think that I'm leading this pack." Ryder finished.

"Now, what are your codenames?" Tracker asked.

"I think I'll settle for Red Hood." Jason said.

"No, Jay. That's your codename. The others will know it's you. You need something else." Terry said.

"Fine. Call me Jailbird." Jason sighed.

"You can call me Magpie. If I'm going to be in this gang, I need a name that will scream thief and bad guy." Damian quipped.

"I suppose you can call me Crow. No reason behind it. Just a bird name for the three bird brothers." Terry shared.

"Alright, gang! Let's welcome our rookies!" Chase cheered. Everyone else joined in.

"You three, we gotta figure things out. Since two of you are in fifth grade, we need to know when's the best time for all three of you to join us in our games." Ryder said.

"Hmmmm. Can't do Monday, or Tuesday. Thursday and Friday we're trapped. Nothing really important happens on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday. Sunday, Babs and Gale dragged us to church....." Jason thought out loud.

"Oh for pete's sake, Jay! We can join y'all Wednesday, and Saturday, providing that our teachers don't swamp us with homework and our siblings find out. Those two days, after school." Damian cut in.

"Perfect. That just so happens to be our only free days as well. Well, then. We'll be expecting you this Wednesday." Ryder said.

"We'll be there." Jason smirked.

Up on the school roof, three figures watched the gang converse.

"Oh, heck no! I'm not letting my brothers play with these kids!" The first figure exclaimed.

"BG, no! Why don't we let them do this? If they get seriously hurt, or have one too many trips of the principal's office, then it's time to step in." The second figure objected.

"'Wing's right on this, BG. We told them not to join but they didn't listen. We'll see what happens. And if it gets too out of hand, we're always a phone call away from Bruce." The third figure said.

"Fine. Only because you and 'Wing are my fav siblings." The first caved.

Silently, the three disappeared, but kept close tabs on their three brothers. 

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