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When morning approached, three boys were very  tired from their late night activities. But when asked why, they dodged the question.

"Jason! Just answer the stupid question!" Barbara screamed.

"I already told you! We just stayed up late doing homework." Jason replied.

"I don't believe you, but if you won't tell me, I'll check the security footage. Go get in the car. Everyone else is waiting."

Jason paled at the mention of the security footage. He just hoped Terry had erased the footage from last night.

"Hey, uh, Terry. Did you erase your extra pencil marks from your math homework?" Jason asked as Barbara pulled out of the driveway.

"Yeah, 'course I did! You think I want my teacher to think that was part of my answer?" Terry answered.

"You do know that Todd's talking about a completely different subject, correct?" Damian asked.

"What subject? Something secret? Like the truth as to why you three are very tired this morning?" Dick asked.

"Nothing, Grayson. You may continue studying your schedule." Damian snarled.

"Talk like that to your elders again, Damian and I will call Dad. He'll come for you and take you back to Gotham, where you'll be finishing your school year in Joker's cell in Arkham." Barbara spoke up from the driver's seat.

Damian grumbled and slouched in his seat. The rest of the family giggled.

"Brianne, I hope you aren't using that phone right now. Dick, I hope those aren't sugar-induced cookies you're about to put in your mouth. And for goodness sakes, Terry! Why didn't you comb your hair?! The same for you, Gale. And I hope you didn't bring your pack of cigs with you, Jason." Barbara chided as she found a parking spot.

The remaining kids who weren't called out snickered until their older sister called them out.

"Stephanie, Tim, Cass. I really do hope you behave in class today. And Tim, give me that thermo. No coffee for you. As for you Cass, try not to let anybody anger you. I don't want the cause of a lost game in class and spilt blood to be the reason I call Dad."

"Noooooooo! Goodbye coffee! I'll miss you!" Tim cried as Barbara snatched his coffee mug away. Barbara really didn't want to call her adopted father to come take her siblings home. Especially since they were the reason the kids were now at this new school, a month late.

The school day was pretty much uneventful, except for the mishaps that were caused by the Paw Patrol.

"Hey! It took me all night to write that!" One kid cried as Chase dropped his English paper into the fountain.

"Awww, you broke my laptop! That was expensive and you know that!" One girl screamed as Everest stomped all over the girl's laptop.

That was just a few mishaps. The real deal happened during the high school lunch period. 

"Aww, come on, Ryder! Would it kill you to be nice for once?" Katie taunted. Her friends snickered from their table.

"Would it kill you to be mean and evil for once?" Ryder shot back.

"I bet she can't even break someone's arm. Look at her!" Marshall laughed.

"She looks like she'll break, like glass." Zuma added.

"Oh, pretty doll, do you need a pillow propped up behind your head so you don't break when I punch you?" Skye asked.

"Stop it! I can break someone's arm, and that someone will be you." Katie snarled.

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