We found our happiness

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*~Play "Frailty (For the Dearly Departed)" by "Hammock" - Hinata's point of view (POV)*~

I woke up, feeling the sun light above my face, the air was warn and comforting, I wanted to stay there forever, that's all I wanted... I opened my eyes slowly, the first thing I saw was clouds, they weren't grey like before, they were white and shiny. And the sun was rising just above my head. It took me a minute to realize that I wasn't... "IN BED?!" I thought as I immediately sat up only to see Kageyama next to me, he was sleeping calmly.. He looked so peaceful, it made me happy to see him able to seperate himself from everything and just allow himself to be happy, it was admirable. I quickly snapped out it and started looking for my school bag, "I remember I brought it with me..." I whispered to myself quietly, hoping I won't wake Kageyama up. Finally, I found my phone: I opened it only to see 10 calls from my mom, 4 messages from the Karasuno group-chat and 12 calls from my dad. "OH SHOOT, I didn't tell them I wasn't going to be home!!!" I thought to myself as I immediately called her back:

Hinata's mom: "Shoyo?? Where have you been?! I've been calling you none stop, I was so scared!!"

Hinata: "I am so sorry mom, I was at my Kageyama's house and I fell asleep by accident and forgot to inform you, sorry!!"

Hinata's mom: "Okay just come home after school.. And make sure this won't happen again, you really scared me!"

Hinata: "Yeah yeah, sorry mom, have a great day at work!"

Hinata's mom: "Thank you sweetie, have a great day too"

I hung up the phone and put it back in my bag "Who were you talking to?" I heard a voice say behind me, I quickly turned around only to see Kageyama half asleep in his bed looking at me with a grin on his face "good morning sleepy head" I said as I smiled: this time it was a genuine smile. He looked back at me with his big blue dark eyes, it's been a long time since I had seen him this lively... "What time is it?" He asked calmly "5:45 AM, don't worry, we have time to get ready for practice" I replied as I walked over to him, and layed on his chest, he was playing with my hair softly as we both just rested, enjoying every second we had with each other. "Kageyama! Look at that cloud, it looks like a goblin!" I said, he just laughed "Boke, Hinata boke!" He replied with laughter in his voice. I wish we could just lay in each other's arms forever. There was silence between them the whole time, it wasn't awkward silence, it was peaceful silence, all I could hear was Kageyama stable heartbeat...


We were both startled by the ringing sound coming from my school bag. "Oof~ I don't wanna stand up~" I said in a sarcastic tired voice. I looked back at Kageyama who was giving me the "Are you kidding me" stare, I let a small giggle escape my lips as I finally stood up and walked over to check my phone. It was a reminder, I checked the time and it said 6:10 AM "Huh?! It was 5:45 AM not a long time ago- did time pass that quickly?!" I thought to myself as I let out a sigh and shouted at Kageyama "WE'RE LATE! " He immediately stood up and we started running towards the gym. Just like we used to do every day, we had a running competition to see who would reach the gym first, eveything was almost back to normal... I was so glad! We finally reached the gym. We walked in the gym and were welcomed by Nishinoya and Tanaka hitting on Kiyoko, and Kiyoko ignoring them completely. It was funny to watch them act this way, I always admired my senpais! "Kageyama! Hinata! Back to normal I see, did you two lovebirds finally solve your problems?" Nishinoya said as he sent a wink at our way, I couldn't help but laugh. On the other hand, Kageyama blushed and looked down at the floor as he yelled at Nishinoya "S-shut up!" Finally I saw Daichi come out of the storage room with the ball in his hands, he ordered me and Kageyama to change our clothes to our sports uniform and went back to putting up the net. I had missed the feeling of "normal" But here we were, practicing like a normal team, just like the good old days.. I liked it. Me and Kageyama finally reached the lockers as we opened them and took out our sports uniform and put it on. Once we were both finished, Kageyama gave me a short kiss on the lips as we walked back to the gym with big smiles on our faces. We waited around 5 more minutes for everyone to arrive so we could start morning practice peacefully.


Author's note:

Ayyy, finally we got a happy chapter 👏👏👏 we're very close to the end!! Btw if you're still here reading this story and keeping up with it, thank you, I really appreciate it! ❤ and thank you so much for 100+ reads! It's nice to see that at least some people enjoy my work, it motivates me to continue uploading chapters every day. I've already started working on a new story, I'll only publish it after I finish this story. I hope you guys like the story as it means so much to me. Feel free to share this story with other people if you liked it and I know I said I won't be uploading today, but, I had an idea so🕴

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