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Chapter 29

Excuse any mistakes'🤌🏽


Im sorry for how I acted.
read 7:36 am

Cam, its fine, but I really have something I need to tell you. Can we meet?

Carson stared at her phone intensely waiting for a reply. She didn't break her gaze, and tried hard not to blink. She was currently at her house, instead of Essi's. She realized since she had seen Cam, her and Essi had grown distant.

She didn't know if it was her unlatching herself from Essi, or if Essi noticed her slowly reconnecting with Cam.

Carson rubbed her hands down her face, as her head spun thoughts around her mind. She realized she needed to apologize to Essi, as she had only used her for emotional support when she needed it.

As her mind continued to spin, her phone dinged. She hurriedly unlocked it, and went to her messages, clicking on Cam's name. She read the text in her head, and sighed in relief as Cam had agreed to meet with her.

She quickly sent a location, and began to get ready.

Once she had done what she needed including her hygiene, she slipped on some slides that were at the door, and grabbed her keys hurrying out the door, but when she turned around after locking her house. She seen Cam's car outside her house with the driver's window down.

Cam was on her phone with her head down, so it didn't seem as though she had noticed Carson yet, but Carson still stood at her porch with her jaw dropped.

After coming from her short lived daze, she walked to the car getting in on the passengers side. Cam looked over, and gave her slight smile.

I ain't know where the fuck that place you said was, so I just came to your house. She explained pulling off. Carson only nodded her head, and continued to look at her as they drove.

She noticed she didn't do that thing when she tapped on the wheel when she was nervous, she wasn't biting her lips either, or looking around frantically.

Carson looked down, and chuckled sadly as she realized Cam was really over her. It made her sad, and even though she knew she had no right to feel sad she still was.

Cam looked over, and noticed her distressed look as if she was about to cry. What's wrong la mona?(la mona means monkey in the animal sense) She asked confused?

Carson let out a sad laugh, as she let a tear fall. You don't love me anymore. She cried out as her voice cracked, and more tears fell. Cam slightly jumped in shock, and quickly pulled into a park so they could talk.

She looked over at Carson as she turned her engine off, and the car went silent. What do you mean Carson? She asked in a worried voice as if she knew Carson's answer was going to effect her drastically.

Carson weakly looked over at Cam with a slight smile as she shortly examined the worry on her face. I remember you.

Her world stopped. She stared at Carson with her jaw dropped as she felt tears brimming her eyes. All that she had ever wanted for as long as she could remember had came true. She tried to say something, but nothing would come out. Her tears had started to fall. Faster, and more than she thought they would, and without a second thought, she pulled Carson in, and kissed her.

As they kissed her mind swarmed with good, and bad thoughts in which she tried to ignore at best to her ability.

No matter how hard I try, or how many times I get over her. She always pulls me back in. Cam thought as she let her body take control as she melted into Carson's presence.

I know this not how yall wanted this story to go, but please know yall are gonna hate me even more when the stories ended so don't take all your hate out in one comment section😅 as yall may know this story is slowly but surely coming to an end, and incase i die tomorrow, please know i love you all and thank you so much for all of the support.❤️

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