Chapter 5- Arguments and Regrets

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It started off quite pleasurable.

Colin would spend most of the afternoon and evening with Penelope, but would go out with his brothers in the morning. Penelope didn't know where, but Colin assured her that it was to deal with the Whistledown situation.

Penelope enjoyed herself. She would read, talk with the Bridgerton ladies, and very very occasionally, go out, but with the Bridgerton ladies or with Colin himself. Whoever it was with, it was with someone of high class and could protect her.

Of course, every time she went out, it was limited, and they would collect many whispers behind their back and dirty looks. Colin was never pleased when she went out without him, but he knew that she couldn't stay cooped up inside all week.

But then after week three, Penelope started getting restless. She had just about read every book in the Bridgerton household, which wasn't as much as she thought. Baked every baked good that people liked. Talked and caught up with everyone in the house.

That evening when Penelope and Colin were alone in his room, she spoke up.

"Hey Colin?"

"Yes Pen?"

"Um, what progress are you making with Benedict and Anthony"

"It's alright I guess, but not quite back to normal yet"

"Well it's never going to be back to normal" Penelope said.

"Well I'm sure as hell going to try. Why are you asking?"

"Oh it's nothing"

Colin paused. He knew his wife and he knew that she was a terrible liar.

"Come on Pen, what is it?"

"It's just that. I want to go out"

"You can! Let's go tomorrow we can get some tea and-"

"No Colin, I want to go out as in alone like I used to. With no one guarding me or with limited time..."

"Listen Pen, I get it, but this is only temporary and-"

"No Colin, I don't think you do get it. You go out and you don't have to worry. You don't hear people talking about you because you're a Bridgerton, born and raised. Meanwhile I married into being a Bridgerton"

"Who cares what others think? I love you just the way you are!"

"It's just that I feel likeI could create my own identity if I went out on my own, without a butler, without a maid, without anyone from the Bridgerton family, I could show that I didn't marry you for your money or title, but for love. I also just feel so smothered with everyone and everything"

"Penelope. We've talked about this you're safer here living in-"

"Colin this isn't living!"

"Penelope, you are not leaving the house and that is that!"

"You are not the boss of me Colin. You are just being over protective again! I'm not some china doll" Penelope exclaimed.

"Penelope you are my wife. I am your husband. I made a vow that I would protect you and our family"

"You're not protecting me! You are just keeping me inside away from everything"

"Don't you get it Pen?! I'm doing this because I love you!

"Well I didn't ask you to love me-" Penelope instantly regretted that last statement. "Oh Colin, I did not mean to yell that, I was just angry..."

There was a silent pause between them.

"Very well Penelope, I see how you feel about the matter. Have a good evening" Colin said as he left the room.

"Colin please, let's talk-"

"I don't want to talk Penelope!" Colin roared. "Even if I did, I would not want to talk to you" his voice lowered.

That last statement shattered Penelope's heart. Sure, her and Colin have had fights before, especially considering him discovering she was Lady Whistledown, but never this bad. She wanted to follow him as she watched him leave the house, but she knew the last thing he wanted was to see was her, or more specifically, her outside.

When he left, Penelope's sadness grew to anger. Colin did not know what she was going through. He also was just being over protective just like usual. All of a sudden she felt as if she was being suffocated in his room, his house in general.

She had to leave.

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