Chapter 10- Here's the plan

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Colin was left speechless at the bench. What was he going to do? He thought about following Louis, but what would happen if he was caught? Penelope would suffer for his consequences.

So he stayed. It hurt every bone to watch Louis leave out of his sight, knowing full well that he would most likely head to wherever Penelope was.

He sat at the bench for what seemed like hours, until a familiar face sat next to him.

"Hello brother! I hear that Penelope is in our country house, what are the odds of that?" his brother Benedict said.

"Oh yes, quite uncanny" Colin responded.

"It reminded me of this time when I met..." Benedict started, but Colin wasn't listening.

Even if he was a Bridgerton, there was no way that he himself had 5 million pounds, he was after all, only the third brother. The only person who he could think that could help him were Anthony and Benedict himself, but would he tell them and risk Penelope'l life? He had three choices, figure out a way to get the money and do the trade on his own, involve his older brothers, or show up shorthanded.

To him, there was only one clear answer.

"Sorry to interrupt you Benedict, but what are you doing the rest of the afternoon?"

"I was going to stroll through the park and then join Anthony at his club"

"Great, let's go to the club right now"


Colin and Benedict arrived at Anthony's club in no time.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's the rush brother?" Benedict asked, struggling to keep up with Colin.

"We need to talk with Anthony. Now"

Colin opened the bar doors, and saw Anthony talking to some of his friends.

"Why hello brothers how nice it is to see-"

"Room. Let's go. Now" Colin said, making a beeline to an empty consulting room

Anthony and Benedict followed, and closed the door behind them. "Colin. What's wrong? Has something happened to the family? Is mother-"

"No one can hear us right?" Colin said concerned looking over his shoulder.

"No, it is a consulting room, what is going on?" Antony asked.

"What I am about to say cannot leave this room, you understand me?" Colin said coldy.

Benedict and Anthony nodded and were kept at the edges of their seats.

"Penelope has been kidnapped and held for ransom. Only the people in this room know and that is how it has to stay. If word got out that I told anyone..." Colin paused. "They are going to kill her"

"When did this happen?" Anthony asked standing up. Penelope was basically another younger sister that he grew close too, Benedict felt this as well.

"I'm not sure, I was sent this letter last night" Colin said, reaching for an uncrumpled letter from his pocket.

After reading the letter over and over again, Benedict spoke up. "Did you meet with him today?"

Colin nodded. "Right before you came up to me"

"Jesus Christ..." Anthony said, placing his hands on his face.

"He said that he was proposing a trade off. 5 million for Penelope tonight at midnight...I have to do it Anthony" Colin said.

"Wait, now hold on, we have the advantage here..."

"What advantage? They have my wife. I have to do this. What if it was one of your wives? What would you do then!?"

Colin said standing up, yelling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're right. We just need to figure out a way to come up with 5 million, but I was thinking..." Anthony said.

"What? Do you have a plan?" Benedict asked.

"Well, we could get the money and give it to Colin, but we go as well, hiding in the shadows that is. When the kidnappers come out with Penelope, we tackle them. You said there were two of them, right Colin?" Anthony asked.

"Yes, I believe there are two of them"

"Okay, we'll get the money set up and when you make the trade, I'll go for one of them, Benedict will go for the other, and you grab Penelope. Got it?" Anthony said.

Colin was hesitant, "What if it backfires? This is Penelope's life here"

"It won't. If we still to the plan, nothing will go wrong. Colin, if we give away the 5 million, not only would it ruin the rest of our siblings future and make the Bridgerton name go bankrupt, but it would ruin your future as well. How would you support you, Penelope, and your future family?" Anthony said.

Colin pursed his lip, but this was the only plan that would have the best outcome if it worked.

"Okay Anthony, Benedict, let's do it"

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