Chapter 12- The Trade

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"Bring the money to the middle,  we'll grab it and check the amount, then we'll bring the girl"

"Why don't we bring it at the same time?" Colin said, not backing down, and trying to make the bad guys come closer to where Anthony and Benedict were secretly hiding.

Louis and Edward looked at each other and hesitated, but since they were amateur kidnappers, they agreed.

"All right fine, let's do this"

Both sides started walking towards each other, then stopped when they were about 5 feet away from one another.

"Okay give us the money" Louis ordered.

Colin was about to say something until his thoughts were interrupted.

"No, you are not in the position to be making orders. If you ask for anything else...we will slit your wife's throat right in front of you" Louis threatened.

At this Penelope muffled a small scream. She struggled in Edwards grasp, attempting to get away, but that didn't work. It was hard to escape a mans grasp when he was both, twice the size of you, and you bound and blindfolded.

"Bleeding out is a horrible way to die..." Louis taunted.

"Please, let me go" Penelope begged.

Right when Louis mentioned Penelope, Colin stood back. When Penelope begged to be released, it broke his heart that he couldn't just save her right then and there.

"Okay, okay, don't hurt her, here's the money" Colin said holding out the briefcase.

Louis grabbed the briefcase out of Colin's hands and opened it. Sure enough, it was filled with crisp bills of money.

"Okay, you have your money, give me Penelope" Colin said reaching his hands out.

Edward looked at Louis as if looking for permission to let Penelope go. Louis nodded, so Edward lowered his knife and pushed Penelope forward roughly.

Penelope fell forward into Colin's arms, as Colin immediately moved forward to catch her. He bent down on the ground and held Penelope in his arms.

He whispered in her ear "Oh Pen...". He took the blindfold off of Penelope's face and revealed her eyes. They were red and puffy from crying, but she still looked beautiful.

She looked down and tears streamed from her face. "Why would you do that?"

Colin lifted her chin so they could be eye to eye. "Because I love you" he said simply.

Penelope smiled slightly and nestled her face into Colin's chest, she was finally able to breath a sigh of relief, and so did Colin.

"Well this is all really sweet, pleasure doing business with you all" Louis said and turned away to leave with Edward.

As they were turning, they were confronted by Anthony and Benedict standing there.

"Going somewhere?" Anthony asked.

"You told people? Even after what we said?" Louis said looking back at Colin, who was still cradling Penelope.

"What do we do Louis??" Edgar asked putting his hands up, already giving up.

"I'm not going to jail" Louis said and grabbed the knife that Edward was holding and held it out.

"I tend to keep my promises!" He yelled and wound up to throw the knife in Penelope's direction.

The next couple seconds happened in slow motion.

Penelope closed her eyes and turned into Colin's chest again.

Colin's eyes widened and began to get out of the way with Penelope in his arms.

Anthony and Benedict jumped forward, trying to stop the knife from leaving Louis's grasp.

As time resumed normally, Benedict and Anthony tackled Louis to the ground, while still holding onto Edward. The knife narrowly missed Penelope, just managing to graze her cheek.

"All right, that's enough of that, let's go" Anthony said dragging Louis away. Benedict followed closely behind with Edward and the briefcase full of money.

Colin took another sigh of relief and looked down at Penelope, her eyes were still closed.

"It's over Pen, you're safe now" Colin said admiring the small cut on her cheek.

Penelope opened her eyes and looked up at her husband and smiled.

Colin started to untie the ropes around Penelope's hands, and once she was free, she threw her hands around his neck and hugged him.

Colin held her close and smiled. Penelope whispered into his ear, "I thought I was never going see you again" she said tears flowing down her cheek.

"Don't think about it now. You're here now, with me, in my arms" Colin said. He picked her up bridal style and started the walk home.

"I'm going to keep you safe Penelope, I promise" he whispered. Penelope nodded and rested her head against Colin's chest.

She soon found herself drifting off to sleep in Colin's arms.

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