🚪Chapter 3 - What is at my Door Step?🚪

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{Her house looks like the photo above, it's got a traditional feel yk}

{Credits go to the original artist}


Cyan POV

I opened my eyes, but the sun did not greet me, but the moon greeted me instead. I yay in my head since the sun is the worst enemy of my sleep life.

I walked outside the door and shook my arms left and right in hopes that my arms won't flop like noodles. 

The moonlight shines down and makes my hair gleam a brighter blue; I hum in satisfaction as I twirl my hair with my index finger. 

I suddenly pause, "Wait... why don't I just like... make a mini-city here...a safe area...hmmm" I nod in agreement as my life would be safe if the safe area is established but hidden from the views of others. 

'I can bring in my companions once I finish building my mini-city...so they can be safe' I nod once more but make an 'ugh' sound because of how tiring it sounds. 

"I still have 2 years...I can wait till then.." I mumbled and started circulating blue mana around my hands and placed them shoulder level.

I breathe out and imagine the second floor of the house with the second restroom and guestrooms with secret compartments for storage. 

Gusts of wind protrude the half-made house, destroying the roof and replacing it with a higher view. 

I reopen my eyes with my breath uneven and hands shaking, 'All...for the slacker life...' I think as I limply walk inside the home with the door supporting my shaking body. 

I take my time this time; instead of using clean magic, I filled up the bathtub with hot spring water. I soak my shivering body inside the water (The clothes are off), I dunk my head into the water to soak my hair, and then I resurface. 

The steam turns the mirror foggy as I can see all the fog around me floating everywhere. The calming effect of taking a warm bath helped as I felt the need to dose off. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the drowsiness so I can take it to my overly comfortable bed.

I drag my drowsy body out of the hot water and put on cat pajamas instead of a kimono; I used 'dry' magic to dry my hair and then plopped on the comfy cushions, I sigh in relief and close my eyes, and the night takes over once more.

- - -

I nuzzled my face onto the pillow but scrunched up my face when I hear knocking on the door. 'Huh...? Why would anybody be here....' I think and then groan as I flopped on the ground dragging my heavy body across the floor and then to the door. 

I brought along my pillow and blanket that wrapped around my body like a cacoon. I hugged the pillow close to my body and plopped near the front door, looking like a dog waiting for its owner; of course, she wasn't waiting for anyone but more of waiting for the knocks to go away so she can snore around the floor. 

(The floor is cold, so it's a warm and cold mixture she sometimes craves).

She waited for the knocks to stop, but they didn't; it went on for minutes on end, and then she wondered if the person who was knocking had their hands safe.

I grit in annoyance and almost flung off the door, "What is it...." I grumbled but paused when I saw who was in front of me.

"Huh?" I had a look of pure surprise.


Oh wow, 2 chapters in 1 day!

Haha, I usually am lazy to update, but today I had lots of motivation to do 2 chapters.

Anyways if you enjoy this chapter, make sure to vote and support it as always!


💎Cyan in the world of Demons - {Attack on Titan x Female Oc} 💎Where stories live. Discover now