🕒Chapter 8 - Point of View IIII🕒

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The second chapter for today, Wattpad was weird, and now it works fine.


Blaine POV

I walked inside the red gate, and the appearance changed immediately as if an illusion was placed. My eyes look around and find that there was actually an open space in this alleyway, an alleyway that completely cut off from every other alleyway.

The house looked straight out of those expensive fantasy books sold to nobles. I was captivated at the sight of a house built completely different from those built in the farthest wall.

I couldn't stop looking away; it was as if something was pushing me towards it. It felt like something to get me to remember those memories that were pushed away. I walked closer and closer and decided to knock on the door until someone decided to open it. If the person was too annoyed, they could hit me. If the person was too irritated, they could yell at me.

My curiosity reached its peak, and I didn't care for the consequences as I didn't want to return home at all. I could go and sleep on a sidewalk to anyone who cared. I knocked again and again until my knuckles became blistered and bloody. I didn't care; I wanted to know who the owner of this house was.





I hear shuffling, but I keep on knocking. My persistence is annoying, but that's what I'm looking for.

The door flings open to a little girl, a girl my age but with unusual features. The girl's hair was a pleasing blue that looked like it would glisten and blind the demons' eyes. Her skin was fair and smooth to the look. 

Her eyes look like exotic gems that even the king/queen would die to get their hands on. She was covered in a blanket, but she looked extremely clean. It was as if she was never from this. World. 

She had on a surprised expression but covered it up and asked in an overly sweet tone. 

"What's wrong?" 

My head started to spin, and I couldn't follow along with the rest of her words. I could only mumble an answer when she asked questions in a tone I've never experienced. I felt that I had met her before, 'What's going on?' I think but get dragged into the girl's home.

When she dragged me in, I looked across all the furniture placed in the home. All kinds of vases, books, and strange devices filled up the warm room. The outside had been cold, but that all disappeared as I stepped a foot into the home. It was a welcoming feeling; the warmth brushed against my cheeks and warmed up my cold body.

I was pushed on the sofa but immediately scrambled off, 'She wants ME to sit on this clean surface? How could I! I'm super dirty inside and out!' I spoke, "U-Uhm... I might get your house dirty if I sit on it.."

"Do you want to take a bath then?" She asked without a hint of frustration.

'A bath?! Isn't water valuable?? How rich is she to use precious water for a bath-' I think as I mumble, "U-Uhm... a bath?"

"Yeah, you said you didn't want to dirty the house, so the best option is to take a bath" She smiled and took his arms, and lightly pushed him up the stairs. 'OH MY GOSH, THERE ARE EVEN STAIRS HERE' My mouth gapes in surprise, but she didn't notice.

"A-aren't baths expensive? Why would you w-waste it o-on s-someone l-like me" I was embarrassed as I stuttered. 'How could she use a bath on someone like me...'

She pushed off that question and then started explaining how to use the bath. She filled up the tub and went to the closet to get out some clothes. I watched her the whole time but didn't feel awkward as I thought I had seen her before.

I stared at the door she closed and heard her shuffling away. Memories flashed into my head, and it felt strange. The memories I have never seen before came flashing by like lightning. "C, Cyan..........?" My voice sounded strange as I didn't know which body was which anymore.

'This is complicated...' I think as I look at the younger body that I've possessed.

"Sigh...Why is it now that I regain my sanity..." I sigh once more but follow Cyan's instructions to bath as I feel overly gross of all the grime collected on my skin.

"I better tell her when I finish," I say and soak into the warm water.

'Nice water...' I compliment the nice feeling of water pushing against my skin.


Blaine's way of thinking changed because he regained memories of his 'former' life, which is complicated. He then proceeds to push away the problem and focus on the bath mini-vacation.


💎Cyan in the world of Demons - {Attack on Titan x Female Oc} 💎Where stories live. Discover now