2|| Sugawara x NB!Reader|| Fluff

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∺↤Saturday Cuddles↦∺

It was a Saturday morning, the sun was already up and shining, some kids were playing football at the end of the street, and you were there. Still sleeping. You got awoken by the sound of a text, you groggily got up to see who would wake you up on such a perfect opportunity to sleep in late.

Sugar ❤✨:
Hey Sweetheart, just wanted to tell you that im on my
way rn, see you in 10 😘❤






welp the day is starting off absolutely amazing..
. You quickly got out of bed, got some clothes and headed to the bathroom for your morning routine, you wash your face (take a shower if you wanna) and get dressed, put on some makeup if its your thing, and just as you finished your hair, you heard the door bell, " COMING!" you scream loud enough for them to hear as you rush down the stairs to the front door.

"Hi! come in!" you say as you open the door enough for him to get in "Hi princess" he says before giving you a kiss on the cheek "so what do you want to do today?" "i was thinking we could stay in and watch a few movies and maybe play some games afterwards?" unsure if he would like that you put a question mark at the end of your sentence "sure! do you have any movies picked out?" replies your adorable boyfriend as he sets his coat on the coat hanger "yeah! i picked out a few horror and comedy movies" you say as you head to the kitchen to get a bowl of popcorn and some chips "nice! but you're sure you aren't gonna get scared?" asks Suga in a playful tone " hell yeah! i love scary movies, but are YOU sure you aren't gonna get scared?~" i ask back in the same tone


About half way into the movie you decide to grab the bowl of popcorn off the table and put it in your lap so it would be easier to  take some. While you were doing that you noticed Suga's eyes were glued on the tv. You then leaned your head on his shoulder and could feel him jump a little "are ya getting scared~?" you asked playfully "n-no! its just a little cold" he says while grabing the nearby blanket and an obvious blush on his face. "you can hold onto me if you get too scared" you say with the same playful tone as before "no i'll be fine" he says while curling up in the blankets and looking off to the side, embarrassed,  cute... 

∺↤~Timeskip again~↦∺

At the end of the movie Suga ended up being completely curled up in the blankets " Hey.. you ok?" you ask feeling kinda bad for making him watcha horror movie even though you knew that it wasn't his favorite genre "yeah dont worry about it" he responds with one of his cute smiles "if you say so, anyway! we need to order takeout since i am not up for cooking." you say clasping your hands "alright, what do you want to eat?" he asks you pulling out his phone and going to uver eats "f/f" you say lighting up "chuckles of course" he says taping on the f/f icon "it should be here in about 20 minutes, so what do you want to do in the mean time?" "super smash bros?" you at the same time state and ask "sure"

∺↤~Timeskip to when the food arrives~↦∺

Y/n's POV

*ding dong* 

"Ah the foods here!" i say as i pause the game, stand up and open the door "thanks, bye!" i say as i grab the food and close the door. I then place it on the coffee table "oh, what did you get?" i ask Suga now realizing he never told me "some spicy tofu" "i should've guessed, you always get that" " true! im surprised you couldn't guess" "oh shush and eat" i say digging into my food.

 After dinner we decided to continue watching movies in my room, so we headed upstairs. "any specific movie you wanna watch?" i ask while scrolling through Netflix " not really, you can pick" he says while sitting on my bed "alrighty then! i'll pick f/m (favorite movie)" i say while putting the movie on 'play' and going to lay next to my boyfriend " I love you" he whispers in my ear "i love you too" i say while smiling and shortly after giving him a kiss on the cheek

A/N: HEYYY i know i said i would update more but uh, im just really busy and have a lot on my mind. i promise i'll try my hardest to post more, see you next time my lovelies! 

words : 816

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