3|| Kenma x gn!reader || Fluff

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Game night

"Hey Kenma! You excited for tonight?" you ask as you're leaving the school in the direction of said boy's house. "You could say that" he says as he glances at you "what games were you thinking of playing?" "hmm.. I dont know, whatever you want i guess." "maybe super smash bros? Or genshin impact? " you make a couple other suggestions but Kenma seemed really interested in genshin, so you both decided you would do that.

After arriving at his house, you both go straight to his "gaming room" as he likes to call it 
(here are 2 ideas)

After arriving at his house, you both go straight to his "gaming room" as he likes to call it (here are 2 ideas)

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"still wanna play genshin?" you ask as you go to sit down the the chair " yeah, still gotta do my dailies and farm some materials" he says as he also goes to sit down " ahh i forgot about dailies for a sec

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"still wanna play genshin?" you ask as you go to sit down the the chair " yeah, still gotta do my dailies and farm some materials" he says as he also goes to sit down " ahh i forgot about dailies for a sec.. hope i dont get the slime balloon one" 

You got the slime balloon one. Actually not one, but 2. The one where you have to protect the balloon and the one where you have to destroy it. " Noooo... Kenmaaa, i got 2 slime balloon commissions!" you say as you check which commissions you had, discovering the harsh reality. "it's gonna take so long! im gonna have time to destroy the barricades and enemies, walk my non-existent dog, water my fish, pet my cacti, sleep, eat, go to the moon, come back, and the slime balloon won't have even moved 2 inches!" you complain to your boyfriend who was already talking to Katherine to claim the rewards "that's rough buddy. Want me to help?" he says as he swivels his chair to look in your direction. " yes please! i hate these commissions so much!" you practically beg as you make way for him, implicating that you want him to just do the commissions for you. "chuckles  alright alright, you know, it isn't that bad, its at least better than having to go get Anna on top of the cathedral." he says through a smirk " debatable " you respond with a small smile of your own.

You then watch as he skillfully dodges all the arrows and manages to eliminate all the enemies and barricades in record time. " Damn, you gotta teach me those skill Ken-ken!" you say amazed. He had already finished all the enemies off, and in the process, indirectly destroyed all the barricades too, now moving onto the hilichurl slime balloon you had to destroy. "Who are your strongest character?" he asks while getting into team comp " in order, Kazuha, Mona, Venti and Xiao" you say ( A/N :my strongest at least lol you can change it) " hmm, pretty decent builds here" he says looking at which artifacts and weapon you had set on each. he was now going to the area where the slime balloon was located, and also in record time, destroyed it, a couple of elemental skills there, and even more normal attacks well coordinated " thanks so much Ken-ken!" you say as you, somewhat, hug him sideways "no problem n/n" he says with a little blush on his face. "Should we get to farming now?" you ask as you go to see what exactly you needed to farm for your characters. "sure"
onto farming time!

A/n: ehe... hey peeps, i know its been awhile, classes are a pain in the ass and my mental health is shitty, currently running on monster energy and a couple gummy bears lol,  but just wanted to post this rq before i head out for my afternoon classes lol, not allowed to have phones out at school and even less computers, so yh, hope y'all have a nice day/night and see ya in the next one, take care of yourselves! 
Ps: tell me if u want a part 2 of this one! i was thinking of making one but im not sure

words: 690

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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