1|| Hinata X F!Reader || Fluff

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||Y/n Pov ||

It was a nice spring afternoon, the sun was high, no clouds in sight, the birds were singing and flying wherever they pleased, and the Karasuno volleyball club was training while the managers were discussing how they could help the team out, suddenly a shout came from the court "watch out!!" said one of the members as a ball was seen flying straight to Y/N's face, she tried to block it but was too late as it hit her square in the nose.

"Owww..."said the young girl as the ball hits the floor near her feet. "Boke Hinata boke! I told you to be more careful!" Kageyama shouts at Hinata "I-i am so sorry Y/n-san! I really didn't do it on purpose!" exclaims Hinata with a apologetic expression all over his face. "I-its alright! I'm sure that you didn't do it on purpose.." I say as I remove my hands from my nose " Are you sure yo- here, your nose is bleeding" Says Kiyoko right next to you while handing you a handkerchief.

"T-thank you" i say as i gratefully take the tissue from her hands and put it under my nose. "Boke! Look what you did! Now her nose is broken!" said Kageyama directly at Hinata "wahh! I dont want to be the reason he nose is broken!" said Hinata almost crying "idiots, a nose doesent break that easily, its probably just a vein that popped." Tsukki claims with a typical 'tch' at the end.

"Dont worry Hinata my nose isn't broken! Just like Tsukishima said, its most likely just a vein that popped." i say trying to comfort Hinata who looked very worried, "a-are you sure?! I can accompany you to the infirmary if you want!" says Hinata looking more frantic than ever. "You should, actually go to the infirmary to make sure nothing is out of place" says Kiyoko mater-a-factelly. "since Kiyoko agrees with me i-i'll accompany you there as i said!" Says Hinata as he grabs my hand and pulls me along to the infirmary while i keep the handkerchief Kiyoko gave me.

Ω◄After the trip to the infirmary ►Ω

" I'm so glad that your nose isn't broken Y/n-chan! and i wanted to apologise again! im really sorry for hitting you in the face with the ball!" say's Hinata as he stops again to bow the lowest i've ever seen someone bow before. how is his back not broken yet? i think to myself " It's fine Hinata! i already said i forgive you.." i say while rubbing the back of my neck not really knowing how to respond to all his apologise. "Hey! how about i treat you to some Meatbuns after practice?" he say's as he stands back up straight if it gets him to stop apologizing...  "sure! it's been awhile since i've had any too!" i say with a smile on my face " Yay!" he say's with a little victory jump. cute..

⁜◄After Practice►⁜

After everyone changed back to their school uniforms, me and Hinata said goodbye to everyone and made our way to Ukai's shop. On our way there Hinata and i just made small talk about everything and nothing. " I can't believe Natsu did that!" i say while bursting out laughing " Yeah! i still have no idea how she got up there" he says with a giggle at the end cute.. "were here!" screams Hinata excitedly while letting go of his bike, as it was gonna fall he catched it, and i pretended to not see when his bike almost fell over "woohoo! im starving! so what do you wanna get?" i ask Hinata who is still flustered from almost letting his bike fall. " you still wanna get meatbuns?" he asks while scratching the back of his neck "sure! it's been awhile" i say while walking into the store

"Hi coach! 2 meatbuns please!" says Hinata as enthusiastic as ever 
"ya'll kids on a date or something?" asks coach as he hands us the meatbuns with a smirk on his face "w-wha?! n-n-no! i-i'm just walking her h-home!!" says Hinata as he flays his arms around, flustered. I blushed a little at Coaches remark and tried to hide it as best as i could. After that, Hinata insisted  that he paid, we went back outside and continued to walk back to my house.

We reached my house, and when i was about to open the front door " w-wait!" Hinata suddenly shouts, and i jump a little, not expecting him to say anything else after our goodbyes "yes?" i ask turning around "i-i've liked you for awhile a-and i cant keep it to myself anymore! you're so kind and sweet, you're beautiful too-" i cut him off by kissing him on the cheek "does that mean you like me too..?" He asks with a dorky smile on his face " giggles yes" i reply while hugging him 

"would you like to go on a date Saturday?"  asks Hinata looking nervous " of course! we can discuss the details tomorrow at school if you want?" i ask while holding his hand " sure!" he says with one of those bright smiles that i love " well you should probably start heading ho-" i was saying before he caught me off by kissing me "sorry! i couldn't resist!" "I-its alright, i just wasn't expecting it" i say with a blush growing on my cheeks "well i better get going before it gets too late, goodnight Y/n! i hope you're able to sleep well!" say's Hinata while he picks up his bike "you too! see you tomorrow!" "see you tomorrow!" he then biked away while i waved until i couldn't see him anymore.

" so who was that boy outside?" "mom!"

A/n: and that was it! i hope you liked it! dont forget to vote! and if you've got any requests dont be afraid to suggests them to me, and i'll be sure to do them as fast as i can! just to let you guys know the next update might take awhile to come out since my mom isn't doing so well, I hope you guys can understand!

words : 1009

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