Part 7

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TW: mention of losing a loved one, smoking

It has now been over a week since you arrived at the academy. You have been really distracted with your studies this week and spending time with Maddison, Zoe and Queenie. Not once flashbacks or memories were dragging you into your past. You still have the biggest crush on your supreme and headmistress. You try to not act on these feelings and pull yourself together. Your hopes got crushed after one of the girls told you that Cordelia used to be married to a man so you just assumed that she is straight and not into girls. 

Today was another weekend at the academy. All the other witches and your friends made their way home to their parents or partners again. Zoe was really polite and invited you to join her but you declined her offer kindly. This weekend you want to figure out your magic a bit more. After all, all you have managed to learn so far was how to control your Telekinesis. You really want to test out your strengths. You hear all the girls talk about all their magic. As always, you want to prove to yourself that you can do more and be better. 

You wake up and get ready. You want to walk to the greenhouse and test some spells and potions. As you exit your room you take a moment to take in the quietness. Throughout the whole week it has always been so noisy with all the witches around and your friends constantly around you. You notice that its very quiet and you can't even hear Cordelia in her room or in her office. You assume that she's out shopping for groceries or on a business meeting. 

On the way to the greenhouse you light a cigarette. You know how bad this habit is for you. But you were not ready to quit just yet. You take in the cold and chilly weather and eventually reach the greenhouse. You walk towards the bookshelf and get a spell book out. You start reading the spells. You are deeply reading into the magic and even try out a few spells like a Pyrokinesis Spell which made a little fire ball appear in your hand. As you turn to the next page you see the word  ''Dead Raising'' on the page. You read further and find that with this spell you can bring a person that died back to life. You immediately think of your aunt and ignore the possible dangers that are also written on the page. Your thoughts are suddenly distracted when you feel a presence in the room. Cordelia stands at the doorframe and smiles at you.

''Good afternoon Y/N'' the blonde beautiful woman chuckles. You are confused and look at the time. Your eyes widened as you realize you have been here for several hours trying spells and potions. ''Hello Cordelia''. You eventually say and smile at the supreme. 

''What are you reading?'' Cordelia asks. You try to close the book and hide the spell as you are sure she was gonna talk you out of using it for your aunt. But it is too late and she suddenly stands behind you. She takes the book out of your hands and your fingers slightly touched. You are standing really close to her and look into her brown eyes. ''Y/N why are you looking at this?'' Cordelia asks concerned. 

''It's nothing.. I was just looking at different spells and potions and I was able to make a little ball of fire in my hands''. You try to change the subject and show off. Cordelia looks at you concerned and says. 

''Please don't lie to me Y/N'' she says sadly. You suddenly get overwhelmed. You never meant to lie to her but you are only trying to protect yourself. You have always hidden your feelings to people to protect your own feelings but also not to hurt anyone. 

''Fine'' you say slightly annoyed. ''I found this spell and wanted to bring back my aunt''. you say a tear streaming down your cheek. Cordelia wipes the tear away and your heart starts beating really fast.

''I understand but Y/N magic like this always comes with a terrible price. Anything to do with time traveling or bringing someone back from the dead who has passed away a while ago is incredibly dangerous. I don't even try to use this magic as its dark magic.'' the blonde woman explains. 

You decide to just go along with it and agree with your supreme. Cordelia asks if you want to eat dinner with her and both of you walk back into the coven. But you were far from done. You want to try out that spell more than anything. You make a plan to get up really early tomorrow and use the spell. This time you shut Cordelia out of your thoughts. You have learned this ability now and even though it does not work every time, this time it did.

Cordelia notices when she tries to read your thoughts while you were having dinner but that did not work. It was blank. She is not making too much of it and carries on enjoying dinner with you.  The blonde supreme is staring at Y/N. She does not know why quite yet but she also started to care deeply about Y/N. She cares about all of her girls but somehow Y/N is different she thought to herself. She looks at person sitting across her with beautiful long hair. 

As both of you are finished with your dinner you clean up. You notice Cordelia watching you carefully the whole dinner even though you were deeply talking about different things. You assume she was worried about you or something. 

Cordelia asks if you wanna watch a movie with her. You get nervous but agree. As you walk towards the living room you once again stop at the painting of a blonde older woman that Cordelia was facing the other week when she fell asleep on the chair. 

''This is Fiona Goode.. the last supreme of this coven''. You turn around and see the pain in Cordelias eyes. You can see the resemblance. The women look alike. Although the painting gives you a darker vibe and Cordelias vibe was light and friendly. 

You both walk into the living room and Cordelia puts on a movie. Both of you sit on the sofa with a few blankets and pillows. You sit on the left side and Cordelia on the right side. Although you try to ignore this, it feels really special to spend this time with the supreme. You do not know whether this is because she likes you or she would do this with any of the girls. 

You wake up at 4 am. You see the blonde woman asleep on the sofa. The only difference is that her head is resting on your lap. She looks like an angel you think to yourself. You get really nervous and have no idea why Cordelia is sleeping on your lap . 

You carefully picture your journal and a pen in your hand and it lands in your hands. You write about your day very carefully trying to not wake up the supreme. 

''Dear Diary:

Today was a good day again. I was in the green house all day and got distracted trying out different magic spells. I got really interested in the spell that could bring someone back from the dead. I really want to bring back my aunt. I also saw a time travel spell but I do not want to change time. I want my aunt back but I want to be here in the academy with my friends and Cordelia. Truth to be told Diary I am really into Cordelia. I have been thinking of kissing her today when our faces almost touched. And even now while she is sleeping peacefully in my lap I can't help but stare at her. I have butterflies all over my body. She is the most beautiful and kind soul I have ever met. 

Tomorrow I will go back to the greenhouse and try the spell. I need my aunt back. I hope Cordelia will not be mad.''

You manage to picture your journal and the pen in your room again and fall asleep. 

Fire meet Gasoline (Cordelia Goode x Reader) AhsWhere stories live. Discover now