Part 10

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It has now been two weeks. You dread the thought of going to hell. It did not seem like a nice place. And there was no way you were gonna join your aunt considering you made a trade to give your soul away. The forest scared you and you read more about hell and you are terrified that your own version of hell is anything to do with your old school or your parents especially your dad. 

You snap out of your thoughts. You are in the middle of a class with Fiona. Since you brought her back she is now teaching at the academy. Her powers somehow returned to her when she walked into the coven. She does not have strong powers like Cordelia as she's not the supreme anymore. You can barely pay attention to the class and as it just finished and you are about to walk out Fiona stops you. ''Y/N can I talk to you for a second?'' your classes are finished for the day and she asks if you are okay. She can see the hurt in your eyes and that you are worried. She's the only one who knows that there are two weeks left before going to hell. ''Come with me'' she says. 

Fiona and you have left the coven and are now walking around in the gardens.                                             ''My dear.. I have been trying to figure out how to prevent you from having to go to hell but there seems to be no spells or nothing I can do..'' she says sadly. You look at her and say ''It's okay''.       She feels that there is more to it.. yes you are scared about having to go to hell but there seems to be something else on your mind. You have been quieter in her classes and upset most of the time. She feels there is more to it. ''Is this about my daughter?'' she finally asks. 

You look up and get really nervous your cheeks go bright red. ''What do you mean?'' you ask   ''Oh come on Y/N.. I know how you look at her.. she is more to you than your supreme .. and headmistress... I noticed ever since you first started talking about her.. there was this spark in your eyes''. Fiona says. You have no idea what to say 

''Okay fine.. she means everything to me but I know that the feelings are one sided.. I just wish she was not mad at me anymore and I could spend some time with her.. she has been ignoring me for the past two weeks''. a tear streams down your face 

''Why do you think the feelings are one-sided?'' Fiona asks, you look at her confused and say ''But Cordelia is not into woman is she?'' Fiona laughs and answers: ''There used to be witch named Misty and I know Cordelia had feelings for her. They could never act the feelings out as Misty passed away''. Fiona says.

You had heard about Misty but never about her chemistry or connection with the supreme. You suddenly feel a slight bit of hope but then you remind yourself that Cordelia hates you.

''Are you sure you don't wanna tell her what the prize is?.. I know you lied to your friends and Cordelia... you know you and I are alike ... I always hid my feelings too and never wanted to worry anyone''. Fiona says.

I want to tell her you think to yourself but you don't wanna worry Cordelia or hurt her. She would probably try and save you but the thought of Cordelia getting hurt makes you freak out.

''I can't tell her Fiona.. I'm sorry''. you say to the blonde woman. She looks at you concerned and says ''I am sorry that I can't help you out any further.. I will always be grateful to you for bringing me back.. and I will continue to try and find something.''

You thank her and walk back to the coven.

Cordelias POV:

I walk into my office. I am upset and slam the door shut. I have been ignoring Y/N for two weeks but it's no help.. my feelings are still the same for her.. in fact they have grown stronger ever since. I have noticed Y/N being absent and sad for a while. But I am still hurt and sad. How could Y/N be so stupid and almost kill herself using that spell.. I mean she is very powerful I think to myself. Only a very powerful witch can perform that magic and let alone bring someone back. I have wondered why Y/N never brought her aunt back.. I was too hurt to talk to her though. I walk to the window to try and distract myself when I see my mother and Y/N. They are walking in the garden and talking. I have noticed that they talk a lot and spend time together sometimes. 

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