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Venus POV

I didn't understand him. I didn't understand how one second he hated me and was telling me he despised my kind. But then the next second he seemed fascinated by me. It's like he wanted to stay away, yet a part of him wanted to be around me. There was a part of him that didn't want to leave me alone.

And I didn't understand it. I didn't understand it because I felt the same. I couldn't explain why, but it's like the more he hated me, the more I wanted him to like me. The more he pushed away, the harder I pulled back. Like I knew that I should hate him. I knew that I should fear him, and part of me still did.

Part of me was still terrified of him. But it wasn't enough to keep me away. The looming thought that he could kill me at any moment wasn't scary enough to make me leave. And even if I did try to leave, I don't think he would let me.

I still didn't know why he kept me here. I knew that it had something to do with the fact that I was his mate, yet I had no clue what that even met. I never got the chance to ask him. And whenever I did try to ask him, he either pinned me to a wall or told me to fuck off.

So what was I supposed to do?

I guess I could try to pry it out of one of the girls. I looked up at Lorelei, and then at a girl named Susie. We all sat at a table together, chatting occasionally. And while it wasn't bad, I had to admit that it felt kind of awkward.

I had just met Susie, and though she seemed nice, I had kind of gotten used to just being with Lorelei. So I felt awkward. And the fact that Susie was extremely shy made it even more awkward.

She had barely said anything, only speaking whenever one of us spoke to her. I wanted to get to know her, to potentially make a friend, but she was so shy that I was barely learning anything. The only thing I had learned was that she was my age, and where she had come from. Other than that, the only other thing I knew was her physical appearance.

Susie was only a bit taller than me, but she was mostly muscle. Unlike me, she didn't look like a skeleton. She actually looked fit and healthy. Aside from her muscular stature, she was also very pretty.

Every physical feature on her looked as if it was meant to be there.

Susie's mom was originally from South Korea, but she had met her mate on a business trip here, and her mom eventually ended up staying and making the move.

Susie was just slightly more pale than I was, her skin being a mix between sand and light beige. But it was so dewy, and completely free of any imperfection. That seemed to be a common thing in this pack though, and I wondered whether or not the werewolf gene had something to do with it.

The most striking thing about Susie was how large her eyes were. Her dark brown eyes seemed to take up most of her face, which I thought was really pretty. I had large eyes as well, and it was something that Kacey used to make fun of me for. But seeing Susie's eyes made me realize how beautiful and unique our eyes were.

But I was jealous of her black, long hair. Sure I had nice hair, but hers looked so smooth and you could tell that it was healthy.

I tried not to stare at her too much, instead keeping my eyes lowered to a spot on the counter. I allowed my mind to wander back to the thing that I had so desperately been trying to ignore. I had spent the last few days thinking nonstop about what a mate was. It had been eating at me because it had been a week already, and I still didn't know what it was.

And as much as I actually kind of liked this place, I had no clue why I was still here.

I looked at Lorelei, who was busy scrolling through her feed on her phone. For a few seconds, I debated on asking her what a mate was. I mean after all, the last time I tried to ask her what was going on, she refused to tell me.

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