January 4th

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I can imagine myself walking down the streets, desperately trying to incubate whatever heat my skinny body was producing. From the top of my mangled hair to my ill-fitting  boots, I was labeled a street rat. It wasn't that I didn't care about what people perceived me as it was just that I needed to get to my final destination quickly. My life depended on it.  I passed by Michael's Donuts and turned right into the dark alley way. Remember Michael's Donut Shop, it may be important later in the story. There was neither person nor thing in the alley-way but I needed to be here at this time. I sat on the ground and peeled off my boots and threw them to the opposite wall. My feet were wrapped in white cloth which was now stained red with my blood. The thin coat landed right next to the  boots and my body shivered in anticipation. What was I expecting? Not even I was sure. I just knew that now was the time.  I looked up at the wall and smiled at the security camera before hurrying off barefoot and coat-less in the cold January air.

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