March 15th

13 1 0

It had been two and a half months since the discovery of my blood on the ground and still no body. The officers were itching to just pin it on someone and they were going to pin it on Red. Red had a story though. A story in which he claimed he was innocent. He said he had come home from work and decided to watch television. He was watching Maury at the time and that is when I walked in. He heard me enter but didn't look up to see because all I usually did was sit at the table and do my homework. He was deep into an episode where they were going to show if the man was the father or not when the back door opened. He didn't think anything of it just assumed that I left. He also made the cops aware that he was drinking pretty heavily during the show. He loved his blue raspberry Smirnoff. The episode had ended and he was just starting to get up when he felt a prick in his neck. The person behind him covered his eyes and said shhh before Red lost consciousness. He woke up on the couch seconds before the cops came and saw all the blood on the floor. They only thing he could think was the he took his drunken violence too far on me and ultimately killed him. That's why he confessed to the murder. After Red told that story the cops checked his blood which they had taken the day of the crime anyway to see his alcohol content. They found traces of the drug ... Which puts you to sleep. The drugs in his bloodstream and the prick scar on his neck lined up with his sorry but it was almost too good to be true. He had no alibi and the cops were desperate to pin it on him.... But they couldn't.

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