January 13th

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So even if you don’t agree to help me I’ll still tell my story because at least it will be out there. After I got the cinnamon roll I walked to the house. I rolled out the mat I slept on and settled down to sleep for the rest of the day. I slept in the living room right under the curtains because it was close to the window for the summer time and close to the heater for winter time. The thin blanket did little to keep me warm but it sufficed most nights. I reached under my pillow which was flat and felt something sharp and something soft. I pulled out my knife and my rose. I got the rose from Mister’s flower garden and I was planning on giving it to Rose but she had been non-stop angry. I got the knife from the alleyway that I frequented. I don’t know why I grabbed it but I just felt safer with it. While I slept I thought of the plan. It was a good plan.

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