Healing Old Wounds

250 13 2

Tw: Swearing

Everyone else continued to eat in relative silence, all too afraid to speak. Boy, this first full day back did not start well.

As everyone began to finish up, Dream excused himself to leave and wanted to check on George and Sapnap. They were his closest friends afterall.

Considering neither were very familiar with the tree house, Dream guessed that his friends would be in the room they all shared, so he went there first. Steadying himself for whatever he needed to say, Dream took a breath and walked inside.

He was not expecting to be ambushed by the aforementioned friends with shouts of "DREAM!". Noting that both of them seemed if not happy, then at least not too upset, Dream took this as a good sign.

"Woah what, what is it?"

"Dream, I'm sure that you have this handled-"

"-but Nick and I have been dying to know-"

"-What's got you and the Sleepy Bois so strung up?"

"Yeah, why do you act like long lost frenemys or something?"

Dream sighed, slightly amused at the delivery of their question, but ultimately nervous of what he was going to have to explain.

"It was a long time ago, maybe a month after the story Phil told. I ran into them much the same way Technoblade did." Dream sat on his hammock, and the other two sat on the next closest one.

"We became good friends; Techno taught me how to fight as well as I can, Wilbur was a great friend and made the mask I wear to this day, and Phil..." Dream sighed again and spoke carefully, choosing every word."Phil made everyone feel as though they had a family, friends, people you could rely on for anything. If everyone else turned their back on you - you could still find home. "

"...What changed?" asked George tentatively.

"I did. I- I turned away from them. As we became closer I got... scared. Scared because having a family meant." He paused, and said very quietly, "Having a family meant having people I could lose again."

For a moment everyone was silent but Dream continued. "I didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd think I would leave you, too. But I'm not like that anymore! I just didn't know what to do..."

"Talk to them."


"You need to talk to them Dream."

"But I-"

"No Dream, Nick is right. There's obviously a conversation long overdue here. It's not too late."

"Okay. Okay, yeah. I'll do it." Dream stood up, gaining enthusiasm, "I'm gonna do this." Everyone smiled.

"Go get em' Dream!"/"Good luck!" the two called as Dream strode confidently out the doorway.

Once Dream had left, Sapnap turned to George and said, "I hope it goes well, Wilbur seems to have it out for Dream especially."

"Yeah, maybe they were especially close or something?"

"I dunno man, I thought training with someone might be more effective in building a friendship, or maybe Phil? He seemed to really look up to that guy."

"I think Phil just has that effect on everyone Sap."


Looking for a way to pass the time, George had the idea to go and talk to Ran and Boo. Frankly, George was fascinated about the idea of having three consciousness in one body. Sapnap wanted to go too, because he was secretly still a bit worried about George's mental state after finding out he left everyone and everything for practically nothing.

The duo heard, rather than saw, where Ran and Boo might be because there was music coming from one of the tree rooms. It sounded happy - chripy - you could say.

Inside there were two people sitting by a big boxy sort of thing that seemed to be where the music was coming from, but those two people were not Ran and Boo, but Ranboo and Tommy.

"Oh Ranboo, you're back."

The mutated laughed a bit, "Yeah, Ran broke his sunglasses the other day, and the eye-contact was getting a bit much for him, so: here I am."

Sapnap and George didn't know if they were supposed to know what that meant. "He doesn't like eye contact?"

"Right sorry, I forgot I hadn't told you guys yet. You know those tall scary mobs with the purple eyes that get mad when you look a them...?"

"You have to be kidding me, is he-"

"Enderman? Yes."

"So you are-"

"Half enderman"



Sapnap, having gotten distracted minutes ago, spotted a rack of discs on the far side of the room. "Where'd you guys get all this stuff in the middle of a forest anyway?" Sapnap started to walk toward the discs, but was stopped by Tommy who hissed, and the magma in his body flared hotter.

"Stay away from those discs bitch, they ain't yours."

"Woah, hey, no need to be a dick about it, I was only gonna look."

Tommy scowled but did not apologise. George and Ranboo looked uncomfortable. Adressing Ranboo, Sapnap said, "How'd you even put up with this kid?"

"Tommy's uh- He's not so bad when you get to know him. Just yeah, don't touch the disks."

Sapnap retreated.

"And to answer your question," the half enderman continued,"Not everyone hates the mutated. We have people the nearby towns that help us from time to time."

"That's cool."

The four managed to hang out for a while longer, though it seemed a feud was brewing between Sapnap and the magma boy. Eventually, the group broke off and George and Sapnap went to see if Dream's talk had gone well.

"Soooooo, spill the beans Dream, how'd it go?" Because of the mask, neither George or Sapnap could gauge how Dream was feeling.

"It worked!!"

The trio exploded with joy, "They said they'd give me another chance - and I'm definitely not going to waste this one!"

They had a mini celebration that evening for Dream's chance at rekindling his old friendships, and it seemed to the three of them that things weren't going to be so bad after all.

Listen, I know I'm writing Tommy as a little brat right now but remember what Ranboo said, you'll love him once you get to know him.

Sincerely, the hydrate or diedrate mascot (Drink your H2O guys)

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