Day 3

193 13 11

Tw: verbal abuse and implied main character death

(sorry! I've been reading Seize The Night, and let me tell you it has a lot of death in it... )

"So, you're mutation is healing?"

"Healing sick plants, yes"

It was the next morning, day three as it were, and George was finally getting to know Tubbo, but there was someone else entirely on his mind.

"But, have you ever tried on people?"

"George." Dream warned. He wasn't going to let George pin his hopes of Sapnap's recovery on a 17 year old magic gardener. Said magic gardener looked between the two, "Is there something I'm missing?"

Neither Dream or George spoke, both half glaring at eachother, so Ranboo paused the continued game of Uno with Tommy to say, "Well, there's one more person you haven't met yet, they're- um" Ranboo looked at George, and back at Tubbo, "They've got the virus."

"How... How many days has it been?"

Ranboo opened his mouth to answer, but surprisingly George got there first,"Today's the third. If nothing changes soon..." George's eyes glistened with salty liquid, threatening to spill.

"I'm so sorry, I hope they get better..." There was not much else to say, except maybe it was time Tubbo did more than create upset and panic with his presence. "I've never tried people before," He looked at his hands, and smiled at the little bumble that landed on one, "I don't know how safe it would be though."

"Wait, you're actually suggesting you use a plant healing power on people? I'm not sure that's a good idea," Ranboo cautioned, ignoring Tommy's protests to the frequent Uno interruptions. Would they ever get to finish their game?

George shrugged, looking between Tubbo and Dream, "What else can we do? Surely it can't make the situation worse."

"I guess" Dream acquiesced, "But really it's up to whether you think it's safe enough Tubbo."

The boy put both hands up defensively, "Woah woah woah. Hold on a second, I don't know about this. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Totally ignoring Dream's very clearly implied warning about hopes and gardeners, George stood up, "Please! Just... one try! I can't. I don't know what I'd do if-if he didn't make it."

No one else in the room was entirely comfortable with this, but George seemed past persuading and Tubbo was desperate to help someone. "Okay, I'll give it a go. But, I'm warning you now it could go horribly wrong."

For better or worse, none of the tree-house residents with any brain cells were present to stop them. That being Philza, Techno, Niki, and Wilbur (though Will was debatable, he might only share a braincell).

Everyone including Ranboo and Tommy left the main room which sort of made for a living room/kitchen. It was time to see Sapnap on possibly the last day of his life.

Nick was alone, sitting in a sort of endless corridor. In the weird way that you only can while dreaming, he knew it would be fruitless to try and walk to the end. A pointless, colourless, endless, lonely hallway.

Still, it wasn't the weirdest fever dream he'd ever had.

It wasn't always lonely. They came every now and then, just one or two. They told him things he'd been told many many many times before.


Things that he'd put behind him, things that he'd swallowed a long time ago. Ironically, it seemed swallowing his feelings was coming back to bite him. Another one of Them came to him now.

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