Saying Goodbye Again

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Ranboo awoke feeling stiff and sore. He soon discovered why as he lifted his head off the wooden banister of the balcony. He immediately put his head back down again and squeezed his mismatched eyes shut as the memories of yesterday washed over him, stitching themselves back into one consciousness instead of two.

This was never a truly pleasant experience, especially this morning considering the nature of these particular memories. Poor Tommy...

Ranboo tried his best to shrug off that lot for now (but cough cough it's unhealthy to repress your feelings). Instead silently thanking Ran and Boo for getting Niki to take the social bullet and talk to Dream, George, and Sapnap.

Speaking of which, Ranboo pried open an eye at the sound of footsteps coming towards him, and stood up to see Dream. "Good morning Ranboo" he said.

"Morning'" Ranboo yawned.

Dream came to join the half enderman by the edge and looked out over the forest. There was only a little bit of snow left now, yet it was still pretty chilly. The masked mutated spotted something over the edge of the balcony and sniggered. "Hey Ranboo? Your uh- your little crown is down there."

Ranboo looked to where Dream was pointing and sure enough the paper crown was on the forest floor. Ranboo imagined it was taunting him for falling asleep outside and he frowned. "Gosh darn it."

"Come on," Dream clapped Ranboo on the back - making him jump, "let's go get it."

As Dream and Ranboo walked, the latter noticed something off about his friend's demeanour. "Hey Dream? You doing alright?"

"Yeah yeah I just..." He sighed heavily. "Nick, George, and I decided we would be leaving today."

That was a shock indeed, "On such short notice? Don't get me wrong: I understand why you'd want to get out of here but it's freezing still. You'll need to take a lot more supplies."

"I know I know but we uh. We figured it was time."

Ranboo was now able to retrieve his paper crown, shaking a bit of dirt from it and placing it back on his head where it belonged.

Here was the dilemma: Ranboo could ask if Niki had talked to them about leaving to make sure the Dream Team knew about it. But if he did and she hadn't spoken to them yet, it would fall to Ranboo to ask if he and Niki could travel with them.

Ranboo decided to be brave about this one. "Hey Dream?"


"Has Niki asked you about the thing?"

"About the what?"

"How... she and I were kinda thinking of asking if we could travel with you guys."

Dream snapped his fingers. "Oh right! She did actually."

Thank goodness for that. Ranboo visibly relaxed and smiled. "So, what do you think? Can we?"

"I'll have to talk to George and Sap but I'm sure they'll be okay with it."

As the Dream team were packing their meagre belongings, along with gifted supplies, Dream told the other two about Ranboo and Niki's request. They, as Dream predicted, were happy to have the two come along.

It was around midday that the three planned to tell everyone that they were leaving and the sun was high in the sky now. Sapnap decided he was going to check if anyone was in the living room, leaving George and Dream to search for people elsewhere.

In was almost silent as Sapnap approached, sans the sound of someone humming a familiar tune. It was Tubbo, who was lazily flicking at the leaves of the resurrected fern and watching the three bees buzz around him happily. The tune he was humming... Sapnap knew he should remember it but the name was just out of his reach.

"Hey Tubbo" Sapnap gave a small wave and an equally small smile.

The boy glanced over at Nick then back at the plant. In a bored yet simultaneously defensive tone he reprocriated the greeting.

Oh boy, Sapnap didn't realise how awkward this might be. It seemed Tubbo was in no mood to communicate so he'd just have to say it.

"Me, George, and Dream are leaving today."

"Oh." Tubbo didn't even look in Sapnap's direction. His gaze following the smallest bee on its way around the fern.

"We're going to Hope."

"Did Phil tell you to?"

Nick balanched "Wha- I- No! Of course not," he spluttered,"We're just leaving a little earlier than planned is all."

Toby gave Nick the most deadpan look he'd ever seen - made even more surprising by the fact that he was a seventeen year old boy. He raised one eyebrow as if to say, Sure buddy, whatever you say. "I heard him shouting."

"Fine." Nick acquiesced, "He did tell us to leave, but we really were going to go eventually."

Tubbo stood up and sighed, "Everyone does." and he left.

Judging by their demenours, Sapnap guessed that Dream and George faired about as well as he did. Perhaps a little better.

"So. Everyone knows then?"

"Yep," George sighed, "We leave at sundown."

Wilbur and Technoblade had apparently taken it all right. Techno - like Tubbo - practically knew already and Wilbur only wished them good luck on their journey.

The time finally came, and everyone was gathered in the living room. Smiles tainted with melancholy eyes said their fairwells. Even Phil was sad to see them go, as he truly did care for the Dream team. It stung Philza,
- what Dream had tried to say the other night - but the other two hadn't done anything wrong.

It was especially shocking when Niki and Ranboo admitted they were leaving as well. They were practically family too - perhaps close family friends.

They all hugged in turn, and when Sapnap came over to Tubbo he was surprised to have the child wrap him in a tight hug. "I'm sorry Nick. About earlier." He whispered to the taller.

"It's alright buddy I know you're having a rough time."

"It's just... I only just lost Tommy, now you five are leaving as well?"

"I'm really sorry for that Tubbo, but there isn't much we can do. Just promise me you won't get mad at Phil for making us leave alright? He's only trying to protect you."

Tubbo hesitated before he answered, but Sapnap felt certain his "yes" was genuine. The two pulled apart, and Tubbo smiled genuinely for what might have been the first time since the morning of the raid. The little guy would do okay, Nick told himself. Tubbo was strong willed and kind hearted.

"Hey guys," Wilbur interrupted, "do you mind if I sing you one last song before you go?"

"Oh Will, that would be wonderful!" Niki clapped her hands together as everyone nodded in agreement.

Wilbur's song was truly wonderful, and lifted a little of the weight that Niki, George, Ranboo, Dream, and Sapnap held in their hearts as they went.

Another home, another goodbye, and another jouney into the unknown.

Bye Bye Sleepy Bois!! Your part in our story has come to a close I believe.

I kinda feel like I didn't quite complete all their character arcs (especially Technoblade and Wilbur's) so perhaps we will come back to them in the future? But probably in a separate context if I do write that.

Sincerely, thousands of fireflies

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