Letters To The Damned

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After a week confined to the small, bright room of the infirmary, Dream thought he was going to lose his mind, but on the sixth day a doctor swung by to tell him he'd be able to leave tomorrow under the condition he take it easy for a bit.

George and Sapnap must've got the news not long after him, because they burst into the room with identical beaming smiles, earning glares from other patients and doctors alike.

"Aaaah Dreaaam!" George practically squealed, "Just wait until you see the rest of the castle it's amazing!"

"And oh you're going to love Skeppy; he's great." added Sapnap decidedly less enthusiastically, but no less happily.

Dream had already been told what was going on in regards to the castle soon after he regained consciousness, and then some more later.

For instance, George and Sapnap found out that Niki and Ranboo were related to the King! None of them were sure if it was blood relations, but as George had pointed out: who honestly cared? If they said they were a family, then that's what they were.

That made Dream feel a little queasy with guilt.

On the seventh day, the doctor that cleared Dream for release almost changed his mind as Dream practically sprinted out of there. Dream didn't care; he couldn't stay inside any longer.

Even the air just outside that room felt fresh and clear, despite it being the same in reality. And there were windows here! Dream could see the outside just inches from his fingertips. In an effort to close that gap, Dream pushed open the window and smiled at the breeze that rushed in. Oh how easy it would be for him to go out and enjoy the sights. The walls looked magnificent, and buildings were a thing Dream thought he'd never visit again.

But despite how much Dream wanted to go outside, he was more excited to surprise his friends at the room they were all staying. It was... Room 231 right? Yeah that sounded like the right one.

Dream arrived at the door, slightly out of breath after almost but not quite running all the way there. Should he just knock? That sounded about right. So Dream rapped twice on the door, wincing when the noise was louder than expected.

A man in a blue jumper with black hair opened the door. Dream was surprised, sure that he must've gotten the wrong door, until he noticed the glittering gems on the man's face. This must be Skeppy!

"Uh hi, I'm Dream. I'm sure George and Sapnap told you about me? Or Niki or Ranboo-"

Skeppy's face was that of blank confusion for a second, and then he smiled welcomingly, "Oh yeah! Come in come in. Those two are just in the kitchen I think. Niki and Ranboo went out earlier." He paused. "I like your mask by the way."

"Oh. thanks!"

Dream walked in Skeppy moved aside, the latter of whom turned and shouted in the direction that Dream assumed was the kitchen. "Hey guys there's someone at the door for ya!"

Dream took a second to admire his surroundings. It was quite a comfortable apartment-esque place, but that made sense seeing as they were in a literal castle. Curiously there was a towering stack of letters near the door. There must've been at least twenty, probably more.

"Who is it?" Came Sapnap's voice in reply, but Skeppy didn't answer because George appeared, dragging a disgruntled human behind him while muttering something about proper manners.

When Sapnap saw it was Dream who had been at the door, George certainly didn't have to drag him anymore.

"Hey guys!" The masked mutated tried to say, but due to being bombarded with two hugs at once, it sounded more like 'hey gu- oof!'

Dream laughed, and gently reminded his attackers that he was under orders to 'take it easy', "Besides, it's only been a week and you saw me everyday," he finished. True that most reunions after only a week didn't look like this, but after months of never leaving eachothers' sides the Dream Team had grown quite dependent on one another. Secretly Dream was as excited as the other two.

The trio shared a glorious moment just standing there, before breaking apart. Whether it was his imagination or not, when Dream caught George's blush he couldn't help blushing too.

Sapnap scowled playfully and thwacked each of them on the arm. "Already? Are me and Skeppy going to have to leave so you two can flirt in peace?"

That was met by spluttered protests from both mutated, claiming that Sapnap was 'insane' and that they were not 'flirting'.

"Are they always like this?" Skeppy stage-whispered over the protests.

"Yeah pretty much." Sapnap admitted, noticing a twinge of some sour feeling he couldn't quite name hidden behind his smile.

Niki and Ranboo came back not long after, clutching a white paper parcel each and giggling with the enthusiasm of small children who'd just gotten away with a prank. The other four were prepared to just leave them to it, but Niki and Ranboo had other plans.

The siblings disappeared into the kitchen, then returned as Ranboo swiftly set something down on the little coffee table in front of the sofa. A pair of golden cinnamon rolls sat majestically on a plate, and Niki and Ranboo said they were free to share.

Niki told them that there was a lovely man by the name of Stan who worked at The Bread Basket. He'd given them free pastries a couple days ago, and it seemed his kind-heartedness knew no bounds, because as they passed the shop today he'd given them another each.

It was their last free pastry, so Ranboo had suggested they put it to good use. Almost instantly everyone thanked Niki and Ranboo then dug in.

Unfortunately two rolls between six people is never destined to last long, and so the plate sat empty too soon. Skeppy offered to go wash it up and no one objected.

Dream's attention was snapped away as a letter wrestled itself free of the pile by the front door. It was followed by two others. He frowned.

Sapnap sighed and muttered, "Why does he keep putting them there..." before crossing the room to restore the letters to the pile. It really was becoming a problem; as more letters were added to the pile it was becoming more and more prone to toppling over.

Sighing again, Sapnap lent down to pick up one of the letters, and noticed that one wasn't sealed. His eyes accidentally danced across the first line as he picked it up.

He wished he hadn't seen it.

It was an accident.

He really hadn't meant to pry.

He wasn't meant to look.

But Sapnap's heart caught in his throat as he read the opening line.

Nononono that couldn't be it couldn't-

Sapnap didn't even register his own gasp. He dropped the letter as if it had burnt him and stepped back, hearing the rising thud of his own heart.

"Sapnap? Are you okay?" There was someone at his side. They put a hand on his shoulder.

"That- th-the let-letter.." he stuttered shakily.

George furrowed his brows, equal parts concerned and confused. He felt his friend shaking profusely and wondered what could've startled him so badly. By now the others were staring, and Dream was on his feet too.

"What does it say?"

Sapnap was in no state to answer, so now it was the brunet's turn to pick up the letter and he read it aloud. Immediately his breath caught.

"D-dear Halo-"

George was cut off as Skeppy walked back into the room.

Well well well what do we have here? Any theories for how this could go?

And yeah, unfortunately updates are going to be a little sporadic for but hopefully they'll smooth out soon.

Sincerely, an obtuse rubber goose

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