Guadalupe County. The Sting of Scorpette.

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The heroes arrive at a checkpoint right before reaching the E-Type Quarantine Zone.

They stumble into a checkpoint and one officer faces them

Luis: Lieutenant Commander Raul Hernandez. Republican Special Forces 
Officer: Show me your papers, señor. 

While they pass the documents they notice the soldiers were shooting anything that tried to exit the perimeter both BOWs and people alike 

Officer: Can't enter the Quarantine Zone without the proper permit, mi teniente.
Luis: Swipe it again

Meanwhile elsewhere, the Superhacker Cecil (from Gwenpool) broke into the Texican database to upload the documents from an undisclosed location. The second time it worked 

Offficer: I'm sorry, mi teniente. Not very much people enters here... less they end up getting out. Everything went to la fregada since the RAMROD shipment for the BOW's disposal disappeared last week, so every remainng special bullet is important.
Peni: Don't worry. There's a way to make an omelet without breaking the eggs.

Agent Punisher shushes her from behind 

Luis: Off we go 
Officer: Let San Judas and La Virgencita de Guadalupe aid you. 

They pass the fences and intern themselves into the city 

Peni: What we saw I didn't like one bit. According to the news, some oth that people weren't infected

Then Stinger, Agent Punisher (Mario), New Forge (Karen Gonzales) and Winter Paragon who were hidden in size recovered their normal size

Stinger: Omelets without breaking the eggs? 
Peni: Tofu
Luis: Forgot. Peni's a vegan.

Agent Punisher and Winter Paragon begins to prepare his paraphernalia while their conversation was being heard by the other heroes via comms devices

Agent Punisher: The RAMROD bullets weren't the only things stolen by the culprits we're looking for.
Winter Paragon: Indeed. There's also the stolen vaccine for the population at risk 
Stinger: As we know, the same people that want to expose this illness to the rest of this state is the same one that stole both the RAMROD weapons and Vaccine. Most likely the same way we've entered the Quarantine zone. Through the use of Pym particles. 
Peni: Our mission objectives are it's follows. 1 find the RAMROD and the vaccines.  
Stinger: Dispose of the Pym technology on which these terrorist transport their plague
Karen: Take the vaccine to the field hospital near the Basilica.
Luis: Locate Mitchell Carson and the E-Type weapon in the area.
Mario: And put on both of them a bullet between the eyes. 
All of them: WHOA, Whoa!!

Luis and Penni tries to calm the group

Luis: This is a Kanzuki Group and Pym Tech sanctioned operation. The current sponsors of this mission asked Carson to be taken for questioning, not killed. 
Winter Paragon: Not to mention that we don't know if the girl causing this trouble is doing so against her will.
Mario: (sighs) Always a naïve and taking half a measures. No wonder HYDRA Supreme managed to infiltrate HYDRA on the world 

Mario scoffs at Winter Paragon

Mario: Just-o remember what a happened to that helmet a girl back in the 40's, Dorai? (For more context read Marvel vs Capcom Next-Gen Avengers on CrossoverGeek profile) 
Winter Paragon: (Eyes shining with dark chi) You're really asking for it, you know? 
Mario: Your anger turns me on, signore. 

Winter Paragon and Agent Punisher grabs each other's necks. Before things escalate, both Peni and Luis restrain Winter Paragon and Agent Punisher with webbing and snot respectively

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