knee socks

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( trigger warning : alcohol)

" But you can't leave us hanging, you have to join " Jamie said over the phone to Maya who was sitting on her bed. " I really can't come Jamie, besides I'm a terrible dancer " Maya said as she was painting her nails a deep red. " Come on it'll be fun I promise. You can't leave us like this Maya please " Jamie begged . It has already been almost a month where Maya was working for EMI. She and the boys grew closer every day. And now Jamie was inviting her to tag along for a couple of drinks. " Fine, I'll come, but later cause I have work " Maya said with a smile. You could tell that Jamie was happy by the way he was cheering over the phone. It was so loud that Maya had to remove if from her ear if she wanted to not lose her hearing ability.

After work Maya went home to pick out an outfit to wear to the club. She searched through her closet as she found a black tight dress and a pair of back heels along side with fishnet stockings and a bold red lipstick to finish off the look. She put her hair up in a ponytail and walked out of her house and got into a taxi. Once she arrived all of then were drunk, one hundred perfect blackout drunk. " Maya " Jamie shouted and rushed to hug her, the rest of the monkeys besides alex doing so. " Where is alex? " Maya asked loudly. The music was too loud for her to hear anything so she just had to shout so that they could hear her. " Oh, no idea " Matt shouted as he danced like there was no tomorrow. All of them were not great dancers but at least they were feeling themselves. Maya went over to the bar and ordered a drink for her. " It's on the house love " The bartender said and winked at her. Maya just cared that the drink was free, nothing else. She finished drink after drink and after about to ten shots she felt quite tipsy. Okay she was drunk.

" I have to go to the bathroom " She shouted at Matt who just gave her a thumbs up. Anyone would doubt that Matt even heard was she said. That's cause he did not. As she got in the bathroom the flashing led light made her eyes burn a bit. She opened a stall door and after that she would've wished she hadn't. She found Alex and some blonde girl. They were clearly making out as his hand was literally on her ass. " Oh I'm so sorry " Maya said and tried to close to the door before Alex stopped her. The girl seemed rather annoyed but he seemed quite happy. " Are you drunk? " He asked Maya with a big smile. " No... Maybe... Yes " . Her words made Alex chuckle before he would remove the hand from the girl's ass and walked out of the bathroom with Maya.

As soon as they both left the bathroom they encountered Nick who was holding his phone up to their eyesight. " It's late we have to go " He shouted and smiled. " Grab the lads, we'll go get the car " Alex said as he grabbed Maya's arm and guided her through the crowd and outside of the club and into the parking lot. As they both got into his car he looked at her with a loving smile as she looked back. He started the car and noticed the three lads who were singing and laughing and who were clearly drunk. " Wait, aren't you drunk? " Maya asked Alex. " I did not drink today darling, it was my turn to watch them out " Alex said with a chuckle and looked at the attempts of Jamie, trying to open the car door. As soon as they all got inside Alex said " Okay we're going to drop Matt first and then Nick and then Jamie and then Maya " . They all nodded.

" Oh the boy's a slag, the best you've ever had " All the backseat boys were shouting at the top of their lungs as they tried to immitate Alex singing. Their attempts at singing like Alex were somewhat funny. They definitely made Maya laugh multiple times. After dropping all of the boys and now outside of Maya's house she got out of the car and Alex did the same. " Can you help me get inside? " Maya asked. The alcohol began to hit her hard. Alex smiled and nodded as he placed his hand around her waist for extra support and walked inside her home. He placed her on her bed and kissed her on her forehead. She smiled back at him and as he was a just about to leave he felt her tug on his shirt. " Will you please stay for a bit...? " She asked with a soft smile. " Of course I can " Alex said and sat on the bed and began to play with her hair. Soon enough Maya would fall asleep, unaware if Alex had left or not.

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