chapter 1

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    " alright bro's, i'm gonna have to end the video here. " pewdiepie left out with a brofist like usual. " so cry........ " pewdie asked his bro cry. " yeah pewds? " " i was thinking....... we have a really strong bond. " as pewdie said that cry started to feel confused.

    where was pewdie going with this? does he want to be more then bros? or is he talking about taking our friendship to the next level? this is starting to get a little weird.

    " so uh you mean friend ship wise right? " cry started to get really uncomfortable. " OF COURSE! i just think we should be spending more time together. " pewds said still a bit grossed out. " oh yeah of course! well pewds i gotta go but how about we play some Amnesia first thing tommorrow? " he asked pewdie. " okay it's a date! " cry signed off not liking what pewdie just said.

    i don't think he knows my true feelings. thought pewdie. i mean how i feel about him, that we have a bromance going on. should he know? or should i just know? should my girlfriend know? is it just a bromance? or is it a romance? i honestly don't know anymore! should i call him? should i tell him? what do i do first thing tommorrow morning? 

    there were so many questions running through pewdies head. i'll just sleep it off, i will go to sleep and forget it in the morning i'll show myself! and with that pewdie layed down and let sleep over take him.

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