chapter 6 FINAL

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    I walked out of the room with so much anger! THEY KILLED HIM! THEY KILLED CRY! WELL, I'LL KILL THEM! i've never been this violent before, but they killed cry, and that i cannot forgive. I raced through the sewers screaming barrels the entire way.

     "WHERE ARE YOU! SHOW YOURSELVES!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. and heard a faint whisper in my head. Kill the barrels,it said, kill them ALL, after all they did kill cry! yeah they did! i told myself. i ran around smashing every barrel i saw, because they WILL pay for this.

       Than i got right up to the king barrel, he was the hardest. I slashed and swung, but nothing happened, than i realized what i had to do. way long ago cry gave me a present....

                                                                                          FLASH BACK

    "Is this for me???" i asked cry suprised. "Yes it is. it's a dagger, to smash those barrels!" cry said enthusiastically. "Thank you!" i yelled. "you are very welcum!" cry said with a smile and the tilt of the head. i held the small blade in my hand, it was very decorative, with a blue lining, and jagged edges, it even had the names pewdiepie and cry on it.


    "thank you" i whispered. "NOW, LET"S DO THIS! FOR CRY!" I raised my dagger and stabbed the barrel right in the heart. It went up into an explosion of light. It wasso blinding i closed my eyes shut TIGHT.

     When i opened my eyes, i was in my bedroom, in my bed. i got up and rubbed my eyes. was it a dream? No it couldn't of been! I looked down at my hands, they were still covered in cry's blood. "CRYYYYY!!!!!!" I weeped. "PLEASE CRY! COME BACK! I NEVER GOT TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVED YOU!" i cried, and cried. Than i heard the doorbell.

     I came into the foyer still crying my eyes out, and opened the door. "IT........IT......CAN'T BE!" There he was, his white mask, his brown fluffy hair, it was cry. "CRYYYYY!!!!" i ran up and hugged him. "YOU......YOU......YOU.....DI-ED!" i screamed half crying. "I only died if you beleived i did." He whispered to me. I couldn't beleive it......cry's alive, and he knows, and i know, that we love eachother. Me and cry........forever together.

                                                                                THE END

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