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Tommy sighed, staring down into the bubbling pits of lava, feeling the intense heat on his scarred face, relishing in the warmth it gave.

He was never warm these days.

How easy it would be, he thought, to just step off the edge, fall into the pure heat and feel his body melt away into nothingness.

How easy it would be to make the pain end.

His fingers grazed the magical compass he wore on a chain around his neck, stroking the ingraved 'Your Tubbo' carved into the back. It was immaculately clean, a stark contrast to the rest of him, which seemed to be covered in a layer of grime.

He glanced to the side, catching sight of the swirling portal, his heart ached to be in L'manburg, to be with his friends, to be with Tubbo, but that was impossible and he knew that.

The sweat poured down his face, yet it did nothing to melt the ice inside him, his bare feet burned on the boiled cobblestone yet he made no move to relieve the pain, what was the point, anyways?

He'd made up his mind.

A shaking hand moved towards his pocket, reaching in and pulling out a small book and quill he had brought with him.


Dear whoever finds this, I guess,

By the time your reading this, you'll know im dead, you probably don't even care.
My enderchest has been emptied and the things in it are in a chest under my bed in Logstedshire, they're all going to Tubbo.
The rest of the things in Logstedshire are for anyone who wants them, I dont really care to be honest.
Im sorry it came to this.
I love you Ghostbur, and I love you Tubbo, no matter what you did to me, I could never bring myself to hate you, this isnt your fault.


Big T


He closed the book, setting it gently on the ground, along with his green bandana, he didn't need it anymore but he didn't want it to burn.

With one last look at the swirling purple portal, he turned around and spread his arms wide, feeling tears prick his eyes as he closed them tight.

"It was never meant to be,"

And he jumped.

< TommyInnit tried to swim in lava >

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