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"Hey guys! Look who I found in The Nether!"


Tommy froze as all eyes turned towards him, making him suddenly extremely nervous.
He let out an indignified squeak and quickly hid behind Ghostbur's taller frame, trying to shield himself from the heavy gaze, his eyes poked over his brother's shoulder as he scanned the group.

It was strange, some he recognised, like that person with the sunglasses and the golden crown resting upon their curly brown hair, he remembered a strong feeling of hurt and betrayal, though he wasn't sure why.

Others, he didn't recognise at all, like the tall boy with the red and green eyes and two toned skin and hair, he took this as a good sign, deciding that since he seemed to only remember the bad things, the people he didn't recognise he had either never met, or they had done him no wrong.

But as he caught the flash of recognition, then worry in those heterochromic eyes, he figured it was the latter.

Ghostbur was talking animatedly, moving his ghostly hands around to emphasize different points in his story, obviously not picking up on the tense atmosphere and the teary eyes.

One person, confused him the most.

It was the boy with the slightly too long brown hair and the green polo shirt, who was looking at him with a mixture of disbelief and complete sorrow.

He couldn't decide if the boy was to be trusted or not.

His memories of him were jumbled, tangled like a pair of earphones, he could remember a monotone voice ordering him out of the country, he could remember the complete and utter anguish that had consumed him as he heared those words and was escorted out, twisting and yelling in despair.

But instead of the usual feeling of fear or upset that normally came with the memories, he instead felt a strong guilt, like he was the one who had done something wrong.

And all this, utterly confused him.

"-and then I found him in The Nether and brought him here!" Ghostbur concluded, smiling broadly, glad to of been the one to bring his little brother home.

"H-how did he......" The tall hybrid boy trailed off, tears dripping down his cheeks (Tommy thought he could hear a light sizzling noise coming from the black side, but he couldnt be sure)

"He said he jumped" Ghostbur answered eagerly, before his grin morphed into a small frown, "he- jumped?" He mumbled the last bit to himself, as if only just realising why that was a bad thing, and glanced back at Tommy, a small amount of worry creasing his brow.

"Oh, Tommy" came a choked cry, belonging to the blonde girl who had spotted them first, she brought a trembling hand up to her mouth "you- you didn't"

Tommy couldn't remember her at all, so he figured she was safe, so he shrugged a little.

He heared a sob come from the short brunette boy, before he collapsed to his knees, dark blue eyes never once leaving Tommy's face, as if he was afraid he would disappear (with the way this was going, Tommy was strongly considering it at the moment).

"Oh- oh god-" he spluttered, his breaths coming in short gasps as some of the others surrounded him, trying to help him calm down and just breath.

"Shhh, Tubbo, you're okay, you're okay" the blonde girl said, her voice soft and soothing, rubbing gentle circles into the boy's- Tubbo's back.


The name brought with it a spark of recognition, but gave him no memories, but he definately knew that name.

Tubbo's wheezing breaths steadied a bit as he panted for air, tears flooding his eyes and cascading down his flushed cheeks.

Tommy stood there, uncomfortable, and subconsciously fiddled with his compass that was still on the chain around his neck, but now, instead of the shiny gold, it was grey and slightly transparent, as it was now a part of his ghostly form, since he died with it.

Dark blue eyes snapped from his face and caught the compass, and Tubbo's breaths started to speed up again.

"T-the compass-" Tubbo gasped, reaching a shaking hand into his shirt and pulling out another compass, identical to Tommy's.

And the point was pointing straight at him.

Tubbo stared in disbelief at his best friend- former best friend? "You kept it?" His voice shook dangerously, threatening to break again.

"Y-yes?" Tommy replied, looking even more uncomfortable then he already had, shifting from foot to foot, despite being a few inches off the the ground still.

"I- I've got to go- I have to go" Tubbo breathed, shooting to his feet and immediately sprinting off to god knows where.

"Tubbo!" Tall boy shouted after him, but it was no use, Tubbo kept running till he was blocked by buildings.

"Well, that didn't go very well" Ghostbur said, very helpfully.

"I- I'll go after him" Tommy said, nerves wracking his spine, he actually would rather stay here and try and sort his memories out instead of playing hide and seek with the brunette boy who seemed very upset over his death, but he was determined to remember, and that meant he needed to speak to people who obviously used to know him.

"Are you sure?" Tall boy asked, looking concerned and still crying over the death of his friend, "you- you dont have to-"

"I want to"

And in a wisp of hot air, Tommy was gone.

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